Wildlife footage: 2016-2018 (in progress)

Monday, May 26, 2014

Giving Thanks

To me, it feels like a day for a peaceful post. We went to the desert partly seeking peace, calm, and quiet - after a rough winter. On our first evening, we saw a gorgeous moonrise over a silent world of red rock shaped into castle-like shapes.
Later, as darkness fell over the place that we call K's Rock, the world was silent. The full moon made nighttime unbelievably bright - so bright that very few stars can be seen.
We call this K's Rock because we discovered this camping spot on her last trip to the desert two years ago. Indeed, her last day in the desert was spent in our camp at this quiet and beautiful oasis.
K has departed our Earth now but the world still spins on its axis and the stars make their own art. The full moon illuminated K's rock but made it possible to see only the brightest stars.
K's little brother, R, gave thanks that we were here. Just above my watermark in the photo, you can see a faint "K" that I etched into the stone on K's last day in the desert. She and I sat on that very rock on that heart-wrenching day. It was a day when I said one of the many goodbyes uttered in those last few months.
And Shyla gave thanks too. I feel as if Shyla was picked for us by K looking down from heaven. Shyla is the essence of love, and I'm so grateful for her.
And, I gave thanks for this beautiful world and for the wide open spaces of the deserts and mountains of our country. On this day in particular, I am thankful for all of those who have fought to let us have the freedom to roam our awe-inspiring country.


  1. indeed. we have so many freedoms and opportunities and blessings in this country.

  2. Well said my friend.

  3. What a beautiful post! I couldn't have said anything better than you did.

  4. Kia ora KB,
    Ataahua! Love the contrast between the places you love. Both uniques and pulling. Kia kaha e hoa..

  5. Sweet KB
    This post is absolutely what we needed to see today. Thank you so much- for showing us this special place that means so much to your family. It means much to us too.
    And for sharing the stars and your sky,,,
    oh my gosh,,,,
    thank you for sharing those moments with us.
    we love you
    tweedles and moms

  6. What a gorgeous place. I get tears in my eyes thinking of K --- I'm so glad you had her in your life, in spite of the heartbreak.

  7. What a beautiful post, KB. You are such a gifted writer.

  8. That scenery is just so dramatic.

    XXXOOO Bella & Roxy

  9. I'm so glad you had a good trip to the desert. So beautiful in the red rocks.

  10. Thank you for sharing that peaceful place.

  11. Such a beautiful post. It brings both tears of sadness and of joy to my eyes.

  12. You do live in a most beautiful area.

  13. What beautiful photos and what a lovely story...I loves it!
    Ruby ♥♥

  14. Nothing to add to what's already been said. Just dropping a note to let you know I was here and am thankful for your posts and photos and being able to tag along on your walks and rides.

  15. So very beautiful....both the writing and photography.

  16. Peace, indeed. What a beautiful thing to have and hold in our hearts and mind while being surrounded by beauty.

    I still miss and think of K. Thanks for sharing.

  17. Hi! Been busy to follow your posts. Awsome rocks you have. Very Beautiful!

  18. I never tire of your beautiful red rock photography, and the portraits here of R and Shyla are so gorgeous.


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