Wildlife footage: 2016-2018 (in progress)

Friday, May 9, 2014

Not My Lucky Day

It has not been my lucky day. It started out fairly normally. Shyla and I headed out for a mountain bike ride, and we stopped to play some fetch.
On one throw (it turned out to be my last throw of the day), I did something very painful to my lower back. As many of you know, I am quite experienced with back pain. I've had two spinal fusion surgeries. Both L3-L5 and C4-C7 are surgically fused. To keep things interesting (and painful), the discs above and below each of those fusions have been labeled as "herniated", although I can usually manage the pain pretty well.

But, today it is pretty intense pain. I could barely move right after the fateful throw. However, I also knew that it would seize up even more if I did stay still. So my day has been a gentle survival mix of lying down and then forcing myself to move.

I think that my blogging may be erratic in the near future. I have some posts ready to go, and I'll probably publish those. And, I'll likely put together an easy post every now and then until I am rejuvenated. It has been an exceedingly tough winter with surgery and migraines, and I'm worn down. I thought that I was seeing the light at the end of the tunnel over the past 2 weeks. Hopefully, I was - and this new back pain will pass quickly with some rest.

In the meantime, "they" are predicting 12-18" of snow here centered around a storm on Sunday!
Thanks for your friendship and understanding.


  1. Oh, I know back pain can be so awful. We are sorry you have to deal with this! We hope healing will be quick but take whatever time you need!!

    Your Pals,

    Murphy & Stanley

  2. So sorry to hear this. With my recent back issue, I don't know how you do all you do with the back problems you have had for years. I will be thinking all good thoughts for you and saying some prayers too. Please take it slowly - many hugs.

  3. Waving right back at'cha, Shyla. Please give KB some gentle kisses from us. Our dad deals with chronic pain. Otto is very good about coming over for a scratch and then sort of melting down under the hand and just being a comfort.

    Bart, Ruby and Otto

  4. oh, dear! i hope it will pass quickly! your pain AND the snow!

    stay happy, ms. shyla!

  5. You just take it easy and let us know how you're doing whenever you can. We'll always be here thinking about all of you and sending prayers that the pain eases.

  6. so sorry to hear! take care of yourself…i'll be checking in…

  7. Sending so good mojo to you.
    I do hope you're taking it easy.

    Happy Crazy Love
    xo Cinnamon and Linda

  8. Oh no, take care and paws crossed that you are feeling better soon!

  9. So sorry to hear about your being in pain. That really sucks! Must take care of yourself and don't worry. You are in pur thoughts and prayers. You are amazo
    Ing how you deal with it all the time.
    Barb and the furkids Ernie, Chica,Lucas, and Rosie

  10. Just take it easy. We know what painful backs can be like.

    XXXOOO Bella & Roxy

  11. Oh so sorry you have had yet another issue to deal with. Fingers and paws crossed here that it will heal soon. We'll keep all of you in our thoughts and you just concentrate on getting better.

  12. Shyla is waving to say " She will take extra good care of you right now", rest up, having seen Hugh with such bad/severe/ heartbreaking pain, fully understand it all too easily. I am amazed that you managed to get home again. A good book or 12 to read, Shyla and R to give you TLC, and Runner, to look after all other things. I'll truly understand so well if you don't comment, email or post anything for some time. Hugs and much love, Jean.

  13. I don't know your back pain, but I've had trouble with my lower back for years with a lumbar that is pulled forward. Take the time you need and take it easy on yourself. Hug Shyla and R and don't worry about us. We're not going anywhere!

  14. Please let me know if I can be of help....maybe turn this unlucky day around a bit.
    Hope you feel better soon.

  15. Taking care of yourself is all you need to worry about. Hope the pain subsides and things get back to good sooner rather than later!

  16. I'm so sorry to hear that! You deserve a break --- as if the universe cares. :(

  17. So sorry to hear about this. These things do tend to come in seemingly endless series. All fingers, paws and hooves crossed at this end that the back was just a temporary twitch and things will improve quickly.

  18. We are sending you lots of AireZen, KB. We hope you feel better soon!

    Love ya lots♥
    Mitch and Molly

  19. Take care of yourself. Take some Days off and recover. Hope you will manage even if snow is coming.

  20. That's so not fair! When one part of you gives you a break, another one jumps in with the pain! Hopefully your back will start to ease up quickly and let you get back outside.

    I've always found it amazing how a routine movement such as throwing a toy, can result in a back issue. Whenever my back does this, it is always the result of something like making the bed or lifting the laundry basket. Something I've done a million times and then it decides to get me!

    Feel better soon!

  21. Oh goodness KB! Not the news we wanted to hear from you, especially since you've already been through so much. We got our paws crossed that you will be feeling better soon.

    Lily Belle & Muffin

  22. Ouch! My Dad knows how painful that can be. Rest, rest, rest...and repeat.

  23. Oh my- I hope the pain leaves quickly! I can't even fathom snow right now- we are having spring storms, tornado scares and hail..seems like daily. Feel better soonest!

  24. Pain is so awful and it seems like you have more than your fair share. Hope it's better soon.

  25. You were in my thoughts today, KB - now I see why. Rest and rejuvenate - heal! We are supposed to have a storm both in Breck and in Denver. I won't be wearing my new capris for Mothers Day!

  26. Oh my goodness! I'm so sorry to hear about your back. I sure hope you're OK!

  27. KB, we will keep you in our thoughts mate and hope the pain eases for you. Take care and know there are people all around the world who are thinking of you. No worries, and love, Carol (and Stella and Rory)

  28. Hi KB - I'm sorry to hear you're having a tougher-than-usual time with your back right now! Hope it improves quickly.
    I'm just catching up with blog-reading again (love the photo of Shyla balanced atop one of a pair of snowy rocks!!) because I've spent every day for the past week or more alternating periods of resting my back with sessions of very demanding physical stuff that HAD to happen in a short timeframe...most evenings, I couldn't even download photos, I was so shattered. Putting words together was out of the question. Maybe I should prepare some general topic posts for times like that...hmmm,
    You have a lot of experience setting your own priorities, and I'll bet all your readers understand that completely, and are just happy to see a post whenever you feel like sharing one.
    Maybe you can teach Shyla to toss her own toy, wait, then go fetch it? Nothing would surprise me from that girl! :)

  29. Oh, no - and you've been sounding so good :( Hopefully this is one of those things that will resolve itself with a couple of days of complete rest. Fingers and paws crossed for you here...

  30. Hi KB, I need to know if Shyla is waving bye-bye or if she is showing us how deep the snow is gonna be. Even though I am an experience Dog movement translator this one has just got me totally confused.

    Like the rest of the fan club says, take it easy, easier, easiest!

    You take as much time as you need and I will look at some old posts and pictures.

    Gentle hugs, good wishes and prayers to you,


  31. We sympathize! We both have back issues, the Mr.'s have been worse for the last 6 months or so. He'd like a "robot spine"(a friend has titanium spinal implants that seem to be working pretty well.:)
    Good luck with pain management, hope you're feeling better soon!

  32. We sympathize! We both have back issues, the Mr.'s have been worse for the last 6 months or so. He'd like a "robot spine"(a friend has titanium spinal implants that seem to be working pretty well.:)
    Good luck with pain management, hope you're feeling better soon!

  33. KB., were sorry to hear about your back.... you did not need something new to add!
    Take your time and heal.. you should not feel pressured to post.
    We just need to know your all ok.

  34. Oh no - back pain on top of everything else too? I'm so sorry to hear this. I will keep you in my prayers. :)

  35. Dear KB, I'm so sorry this happened; I'm hoping that by now you are doing better. I have herniated several discs and had two bouts with sciatica so understand a little about the pain you are in. Praying that this issue is already resolved.
    Hugs dear one.
    ps-thanks for the info on shots.

  36. I am sorry to hear that you hurt yourself, sending healing vibes!

  37. Just catching up after BlogPaws. So sorry to hear you hurt yourself, but I hope you are on the mend. I have back issues too - nowhere near the severity of yours, but I know how debilitating they can be. Go give Shyla a hug - that will make you feel better. You might be interested in our post today on HABRI - the Human-Animal Bond Research Initiative. Given your bond with your dogs, I was curious about your thoughts on their healing powers.

  38. Hope you feel better real soon.
    We got no snow this year over here so I hope you enjoy yours, even though you are probably sick of it by now.


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