Wildlife footage: 2016-2018 (in progress)

Friday, May 2, 2014

The Labraduo Romps

I mountain biked with both halves of the Labraduo this morning. They were overjoyed to be allowed to romp together with no leashes. That's been very rare since R's elbow surgery in January.

The beginning of our outing was pure mayhem, with the two dogs chasing each other in circles. It make me smile to see them so happy!
Soon, though, I decided that I needed to calm them down. That way, I that I could feel that I had them under control and I could protect R's elbow from his over-the-top exuberance. I asked them to "stand-stay" next to each other, and they did their most common pose, where R looks up and over Shyla's head at something off to the side.
You can tell how hard they'd been running by their tongues hanging out, despite the 30°F temperature early this morning.
Later, they both looked more composed, after the joyful frenzy of play and sprinting had passed.
The best news is that R has shown absolutely no signs of a sore elbow today. I am overjoyed.

The Labraduo wishes you a happy weekend!


  1. I just recently found your blog and I need to tell you how much I love seeing these beautiful photos of your dogs! Labradors are the BEST! I have two Black Lab mixes, both are female and they are the greatest dogs! Thank you for sharing yours with the rest of us, I look forward to it each day!

  2. So happy to see those gorgeous faces tuckered out! I love a good tongue smile, haha.

  3. I always love seeing them together! They both look so happy and content that I have to smile. I hope there are a lot more happy romps in the future!

  4. fantastic! they are just joyful pups. :)

  5. Looks like it was a good and fun morning for all!

    Have at good weekend.

  6. How wonderful that R is doing so well. I'm sure Shyla is glad to have her canine romping friend back.

  7. Oh that is the best news ever that R did not show any sign of distress from running and playing!
    And I know they both enjoyed having you play with them too,

  8. MOM and I just love seeing them together and we also are over joyed that R is doing so well.

  9. What a fun morning for you all! I just love the wonderful shots of both of them!

    Dory, Jakey, Arty & Bilbo

  10. I love them! I hope Nola and Pike have that kind of bond soon.

  11. Great fun to hear that you, Shyla and the Handsome Prince had a fun time today! Both dogs look like they are bursting with good health and their coats are so gorgeous.

    Hope this can be an everyday thing for the three of you for as long as you want!

    Cheers and hugs,

  12. We think R is overjoyed at being out and running free!

    XXXOOO Bella & Roxy

  13. That is SO cute how they pose with their heads crossing over each other like that!!!!

    Your pups are super lucky to live in a home where they can go for runs in the forest with you each day. They're also lucky to have you as their "mom" :)

    Behr' Mom :)

  14. Happiness is a run together, then a rest, what a wonderful morning together. Cheers, Jean.

  15. This is absolutely beautiful to see!! So glad that it makes you happy too!! Happy Saturday! I am back!

  16. Happy weekend to you too mates. What wonderful photos and your two beauties look amazing. The sun on their fur makes them look so glossy. No worries, and love, Stella and Rory

  17. They are definitely the best-looking (and happiest!) Labraduo around!

  18. The fun is all over their wonderful faces! Way to go R!!!

  19. Horray for fun romping and healed elbows!

  20. They are so incredibly beautiful together! That first "still shot" of them is phenomenal!
    So glad R's elbow is healing so well and was OK after a good romp!

  21. So glad they were able to have some silly time and R was ok. Love the second picture of them!

  22. WoooHooo!! Oh yeah!! Hey guys, I loves seein' you do zoomies!! Tell your Moms thanks for capturin' all the action!!!
    Ruby ♥

  23. I wish Piper had a running buddy these days! She has worn out many a companion over the years, and it's always so much fun to watch her interacting with another dervish-dog.
    R looks like such an elder statesman! So handsome.

  24. They are really a Beautiful couple.
    You should have puppies with them. Two great dogs what a bunch of great puppies it will be


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