Wildlife footage: 2016-2018 (in progress)

Friday, June 6, 2014

Desert Fun

Since it's Friday, I'll keep this post simple. I want to show you a few more photos from our desert trip.

This was K's rock on our second night camping there. The moon was still almost full - so not many stars were visible over the 2 hours and 15 minutes that my camera took star trail photos. But, I love how the moon made K's rock glow and also made the sky a deep blue rather than black. The streaks of clouds add to the surreal feeling.
I'll also share a photo taken at sunset near K's Rock. This one truly shows what an alien landscape the red rock desert is. The light at sunset in the desert is incredible!
 And Shyla waved bye-bye to the sun as it set on the distant horizon. What a happy dog she is!
Happy Friday!


  1. such beauty
    your friends
    and the land

  2. Surreal is a good description. So glad you had such a good trip.

  3. I love your photos and stories!! Thanks!

  4. Happy Friday!
    We love your amazing photos!

  5. K's Rock is beautiful in the moonlight.

    And Shyla in the sunset of those rocks is incredible.

    What a wonderful time you must have had in the desert. So glad you got to go and share with us.

  6. Shyla just seems to melt into those red rocks. Perfect camouflage.

  7. Not only is Shyla beautiful, those red rocks are simply awesome!! I really, really want to go visit Sedona someday!

  8. Beautiful beyond words, star trails, rocks that glow, Shyla waving, and K's memories always there. Bless her heart forever as you visit where you had been together. Hugs,Jean.

  9. I love that deep blue sky and the red rock!

  10. I love your star Pictures!
    Awsome colours .....

  11. You are just so darn sweet, Shyla!

    Love ya lots♥
    Mitch and Molly

  12. So very gorgeous.. I want to camp there someday.

  13. Wow, that first photo is magnificent!

    Your Pals,

    Murphy & Stanley

  14. You capture the beauty of the desert so perfectly. I can see why you feel such a connection to it, both in its beauty and its memories past and present.


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