Wildlife footage: 2016-2018 (in progress)

Tuesday, June 17, 2014


It's a magical time of year where our world seems dreamy because its so beautiful. I soak it up during my morning bike ride with Shyla.
Then, I go about my day, including some very tough new rehab for my shoulder. I found out that the part of my shoulder that had surgery (the AC joint) has become quite unstable. I've had sudden "attacks" of excruciating shoulder pain over the past few days, and I had the shoulder evaluated today. Apparently, it's slipping out of alignment because the rotator cuff muscles atrophied after my surgery. The "cure" is lots of painful strengthening exercises. I started today... I may have some one-handed typing days in my near future.

After that fun undertaking, I took the Duo for an evening walk. It's been a long time since we've had sunshine for our evening walk. The thunder clouds that build up over the Divide usually have completely obscured the sun by afternoon.
I love seeing our Duo together. It's truly heart-warming to see how closely this Labraduo has bonded.


  1. Gosh you're Duo make me smile.
    They are so Beautiful.

    Happy Crazy love.

    xo Linda and Cinnamon

  2. Oh I hate to hear that pain is involved in recovery. Hang tough friend. Hopefully the smiles the duo brings lessons the pain. Love the shot of them together. MOM says she thought of you often as she stood on top of mountain tops when she was in Colorado.

  3. Oh I hate to hear that pain is involved in recovery. Hang tough friend. Hopefully the smiles the duo brings lessons the pain. Love the shot of them together. MOM says she thought of you often as she stood on top of mountain tops when she was in Colorado.

  4. I am sorry to hear about your pain. I adore that photo of them both looking in the same direction.

  5. I have to say that The Duo take stunning pictures together! I hope the shoulder therapy isn't too bad for long. I had to do one handed typing after my hand surgery for twelve weeks. It's not fun, but it's doable!

  6. Love the great photograph of the duo. Guess Brady was right when he called PT "pain and torture." Here's hoping you get a good result for all the hard work.

  7. i am sorry for your pain! and i know the therapy has got to be intensely painful, too! i hope it helps.

    that last photo is priceless!

  8. Such beautiful photos of Shyla and R!!!
    We hope your shoulder gets better soon too.

  9. Ouch! I hope your pain eases with the therapy. I love the Duo. Reminds me of Nola and Pike. You can see how close they are!

  10. I don't know what it means to have your muscles atrophied, but the thought of having to stretch them sounds painful. OUCH!

    Hope you get some relief soon.

    The Duo are always good to see. :)

  11. What are the rotator cuff exercises? I'll do them with you. Seriously!

  12. I sympathize about the shoulder --- physical therapy exercises can be torture.

    How do you get the duo in such perfect poses? Your pictures never cease to amaze me.

  13. HER shoulder is completely out of joint and the tendon has been ripped. But a cortisone injection about every nine months and GENTLE physio exercises make is work.

    SHE'll have to have a total replacement in future. So don't OVERDO the exercise.

    XXXOOO Bella Roxy & Dui

  14. We truly hate to hear that you're in pain, KB. We hope you feel better soon!
    What a fabulous picture of R and Shyla!

    Love ya lots♥
    Mitch and Molly

  15. Urgh can totally sympathise with the rotator cuff muscle rehab. I dislocated my shoulder and ripped the rotator cuff tendon along with other stuff, muscles atrophied had to have physio 3 times a week for 4 months. Good luck, grit your teeth and bare with it.

    Loving the photos of your wild flowers, the mountains are so glorious at this time of year :)


  16. Love shots of the duo. Get feeling better!

  17. We sure hope your shoulder problem can be remedied without too much pain. :( Maybe getting lost in the beauty of your wonderful Labraduo will ease it a bit.

  18. What a cool best friends picture
    Lily & Edward

  19. Hopefully thoughts of the beautiful duo and the mountains will help you get throught the painful rehab.

  20. Hopefully, the payoff will be worth the pain you experience now. Hang in there. :)

  21. We love that last photo of the Duo!! Praying for comfort from pain for you too!

    Your Pals,

    Murphy & Stanley

  22. Yes you have to practice a lot for your shoulder. But it will be good even if its not so fun to do that


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