Wildlife footage: 2016-2018 (in progress)

Sunday, June 22, 2014

Solstice Sunset

On the evening before the Summer Solstice, we lingered at our sunset lookout point. The shrubs are blooming, and the setting sun cast a beautiful light.
Sunset was very slow, as the sun hovered just above the horizon for a long time.
After the sun had fallen behind the mountains, we and the Duo hung out waiting for bank of clouds over the mountains to light up. We watched a pair of Night Hawks hunting insects in the sky between us and the mountains.
The sunset colors were worth the wait. Nature's art.


  1. Beautiful photos and sentiments. You guys are so lucky to have those views everyday.

  2. Takes my breath away. Lovely dogs. Lovely sunset.

  3. We have been among the missing again...I was doing some catching up on your posts. it is so beautiful where you are. Love the pictures of the many wild flowers and scenery and of course Shyla and R. Being in the outdoors always seems like it refreshes the soul.so glad you are able to be so close to it and enjoy.
    Barb,Ernie and the furkids :-)

  4. Beautiful photos, as always! Thank you for sharing!

  5. We are amazed at how you "See Beautiful" every day in your neck of the woods. Your photographs should be hanging in a gallery.

    Lily Belle & Muffin

  6. What an awesome sunset photo! I loved how the boys were intent on watching.

  7. Beautiful sunset and sunset viewers!

  8. Those beautiful western skies!!

    Your Pals,

    Murphy & Stanley

  9. Happy summmer full of love for all of you!

  10. You had a much prettier solstice than we did! I was so disappointed when all we had were rain clouds. :/

  11. Wow the sunset is fantastic! Amazing colours!

  12. Beautiful...I love the emotion that you capture in the dogs faces!


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