Wildlife footage: 2016-2018 (in progress)

Sunday, June 15, 2014

Starry Sunday

I am sharing a star trail photo that I took on our last clear night in the desert. It's actually a composite of many photos spanning 2.5 hours.
We were camped in an alcove among the cliffs, with a dip in the cliffs just about due north of us that allowed the North Star to peek through.

We also had tremendous sunsets at that site, with the red beams shining on us from across the desert floor. I love how confident Shyla looks in this photo!
You can see the red rock world and the blue sky reflected in R's eyes in the next photo.
What a fun trip that was!


  1. Two doggy stars and amazing sky stars, bravo!

  2. Shyla looks like she's "channeling" K!

  3. R is so intense. :)

    the star trails looks like an old LP!

  4. What a beautiful and perfect trip to enjoy. I've so enjoyed your photos of the stars, and the soul-filled eyes of your pups.

  5. VERY masterful shots, all three. I love that you are sensitive enough in your photography to always reflect the spirit of what you capture! It is not just matter of science and clicking the shutter...

  6. VERY masterful shots, all three. I love that you are sensitive enough in your photography to always reflect the spirit of what you capture! It is not just matter of science and clicking the shutter...

  7. Wow! You picked a great place to view the north star. It blows me away.

  8. Gorgeous photos - all of them, KB!

  9. We can't even begin to compare our sky to all your beautiful nights
    Lily & Edward

  10. This comment has been removed by the author.

  11. I think that is the best long exposure night sky composition I have ever seen! Kudos, KB! :)

    (Sorry about the deleted comment above...spelling malfunction!)

  12. That sky shot is simple stunning!


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