Wildlife footage: 2016-2018 (in progress)

Tuesday, June 24, 2014


We've been at our lookout point during the sunset light most evenings recently. I love taking photos a of certain chocolate labrador in that light.
You can see the unique yellow background in these photos. The yellow flowers covering the bushes all over our area are blooming, making the entire world smell sweet.
As the sun fell below the mountains, I captured Shyla's image at an instant when she was looking adoringly at the Runner and R. You can see the love in her sweet eyes.
Another wonderful thing is that has happened recently is that a pair of Cordilleran Flycatchers have chosen to make a nest under our deck. I love watching the pair hard at work raising the next generation. Now, they are just about at egg-laying time... so they have a long haul ahead of them.
I'll be watching over their nest for the next four weeks or so!


  1. They are the cutest little birds! Shyla is stunning, as always.

  2. Love Shyla's eyes!

    Your Pals,

    Murphy and Stanley

  3. KB,, you are such an amazing photographer to capture even the sweetness in the little bird.
    Yes, we see the sweetness in Shyla's eyes!

  4. We must agree with Tweedles. These photos capture the precious wonder of Summer in the Rockies...and your Girl.

  5. Every photo captures me, then I saw the last one, probably the best bird pic of all, print and frame, for sure, This is stunning. Of course, Shyla gets a very, most wonderful honourable mention too. Cheers,jean

  6. I love all of your photos, but I especially like the one of the bird. :)

  7. Lovely Pictures , Shyla is so sweet!
    We have a nest in a tree which I have been following whats happening ....got a serie yesterday with pics (check blog) . Hope some are still there today because they are already leaving their nest.
    Have a great day!

  8. Syla truly has the most amazing eyes!! Of course, your photography skills help too!! :)

  9. Seems like there's always something interesting to watch.

    XXXOOO Bella Roxy & Dui

  10. What joy is in store when the eggs hatch and the parents work to feed them and you can hear the babies cheeping! Our wrens are at that stage now and the babies must be getting big because they are bringing bugs nonstop. Yesterday I saw someone working in the new birdhouse too. I'll need the binoculars today to find out who is going to be its first occupant. Thanks for sharing about your flycatchers :)

  11. How fun that will be to watch the birds!

  12. It'll be amazing to watch the eggs finally turn into little babies!


  13. Hey birdie! We have a family of wren's that come back every year and nest in our patio. They've done come and gone with their babies, but sometimes they do two a year! Birds are pretty cool, but not as cool as Shyla's photos!

  14. Her eyes look so cool in certain lighting
    Lily & Edward

  15. I love the effect of the evening sun in pictures. Of course, with a beautiful subject such as Shyla, you can never go wrong!

  16. We see the love in your eyes, Shyla. You are so beautiful ♥

    Love ya lots♥
    Mitch and Molly

  17. The lighting in your pix of Shyla is so perfect! And the colors ... so rich, warm, and comforting.
    Love your Flycatcher, too!

  18. I love your photos this time!

    The bird comments made me laugh. We are currently living through real life Angry Birds at our house. A baby grapple fell out of a tree, but the parents are taking care of it. Of course, it wants to be right in the dog pen, and it turns out that grapples are rather mean!


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