Wildlife footage: 2016-2018 (in progress)

Friday, June 20, 2014

The Wonders of the Mountains

It's the time of year when my gratitude for the beauty of the mountains is boundless.
I spend as much time as I can outdoors, enjoying the wildflowers, blue skies, warm sun, and a feeling of contentment. I can forget all the physical things that have been hounding me when I'm out in the mountains, riding through what feel like seas of wildflowers.
The Columbines are bursting into bloom all over the forest. They love the floor of aspen groves with the sun filtering through the deep green aspen leaves above them.
 It's warm right through sunset. We can linger at our favorite spots well into the evening.
Yesterday evening, as we walked to a favorite spot, I saw a tawny animal sneak up through some boulders and out of our path. I felt sure that it was a mountain lion based on its size and graceful gait. I'll probably never know if it truly was a lion... but there was a reason why I had mountain lions on the brain. I'd seen photos of multiple lions on my trail camera earlier in the day.

Here's one of the photos, with the whole story to come in a future post...
 Happy Friday! Roll around in the grass gleefully like a mountain lion!


  1. It looks like you aren't the only one who is enjoying this time of year -- The photo of the mountain lion is amazing!

  2. I always love it when Columbine season comes to your blog! Shyla and R both look stunning today, too. :)

  3. When you show us the photos of the beauty-- we feel like we are there too!

  4. Every photo is a postcard from paradise!

  5. Happiness indeed, look at the tail curled up, it must be a wonderful time for them after a winter of snow and freezing days and nights. Super photos of your mountains still with snow. Cheers,Jean

  6. Sounds like you've found your Happy Place.

    XXXOOO Bella Roxy & Dui

  7. What a happy post! Love the columbine!

  8. Your mountins are Always fantastic. Like them very much.
    Have a great weekende!

  9. Hope you have lovely weather to enjoy today, the longest day of the year!

  10. Such beautiful photos! I shall roll like a mountain lion today!

  11. I dearly love columbines but they don't grow too well here, maybe it is too warm for them.
    Can't wait to hear the story that goes with the lion photo!

  12. Shyla almost looks like she leapt over the mountain. Can't wait to hear about the mountain lions.

  13. A playful lion . . . at least from a distance!

    Your Pals,

    Murphy & Stanley

  14. I like to find stinky things and roll on them like a mountain lion - is that ok? :)
    Yours sincerely,


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