Wildlife footage: 2016-2018 (in progress)

Wednesday, June 11, 2014

Wordless Wednesday: Huge Antler

See the velvet on the antlers of this elk?
That big elk, or one like him, dropped this before growing new ones.

The superstar nose found it.

Shyla's Trophy.


  1. Holy cow! I wonder what that feels like for them to drop those antlers like that?

  2. Don't let my dogs see, they will think they get ripped off with the little antlers!

  3. We are gradually bringing it home. It feels like it's about 10 lbs and it's 4' long with prongs sticking out from it. So, I moved it a half mile toward home today. Another half mile tomorrow and for three days after that, and then it'll be home! Shyla can't even lift it. She can drag it a short distance but that's it.

    But, we will leave it outside our house because rodents really need the nutrients they get when gnawing on an antler.

  4. That's pretty awesome! I saw some antler treats at the pet store and was shocked at the price. Pretty cool that you found such an impressive one just lying around!

  5. I find it so amazing that they can grow these huge works of art over and over again SO INCREDIBLE!

  6. OMD! Shyla is gonna need some help with that one! We better stop by! Which bus stop is your house?

    Your Pals,

    Murphy & Stanley

  7. And she looks pretty darn proud of herself. Can she eat it?

  8. I was just telling DK how I wish Beamer would be able to find his own antler. It would save me a lot of moola! Haha.

    It's nice of you to leave the antler out for the rodents to share with your pups.

  9. OMD!! Shyla, that should last you a while!!! If you need any help....
    Ruby ♥

  10. Holy crap that's incredible! My crew loves elk antler.

  11. Our mom buys us these all the time but they're sure not that big! Lucky, lucky you, Shyla! We estimate this one should last you your whole life!

    Love ya lots♥
    Mitch and Molly

  12. You lucky dog. We have two pieces of antlers and we love them!

    XXXOOO Bella Roxy & Dui

  13. It is amazing that they drop antlers that BIG! Shyla will have to chop that thing in to pieces before she brings it home!! BOL!

  14. huge! just amazing they can grow those each year (and wield them, too!)

  15. Wow, its like finding gold - judging by the high prices you pay for little pieces of antler at the pet store.

  16. That's pawesome! Did she get to bring it home with her? I love chewing on antlers!

  17. Those antlers are really cool
    Lily & Edward

  18. Wow, that's a nice shed. I keep hoping Torrey will find shed's. So far no luck.

  19. Shyla! It's almost as big as you!!!!

  20. Hi Y'all!

    What a massive antler.

    Y'all come by now,
    Hawk aka BrownDog

  21. oh my gosh, that face!! Shyla is SO proud of herself :)


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