Wildlife footage: 2016-2018 (in progress)

Monday, July 7, 2014

A Lion Walked Nearby

It's summertime, and the living is easy. One of our favorite summertime things to do is spontaneous picnic dinners up on Hug Hill. Yesterday, all the rumbles of thunder ended before our normally late dinnertime, and so we did a quick hike to eat while watching the sunset from Hug Hill. It was warm and relaxing.

By the time we headed down the mountain, hiking on a main trail, it was dusk. One eerie thing is that, due to my trail cameras, I can find out when we've been very close to a mountain lion. Last evening, we were definitely close to one. I bet he spied on us either during dinner or as we hiked down.

This was fairly close to the trail that we hiked down, and the lion is coming from the direction of where we ate dinner.
He was a sinewy looking feline. He left a territorial scrape mark just outside the view of my trail camera.
To be honest, we had no idea he was nearby, and our leashed dogs gave us no signals that they smelled him. That's how he wants it - he wants to invisibly move through the landscape of our increasingly populated world. He let us pass in peace last evening, as mountain lions almost always do.

This morning, Shyla and I were back on Hug Hill, playing games. Her enthusiasm makes me smile!
But, for us, it was hot. It's now 80° in the shade, which is very rare up here in the mountains. I cut Shyla's morning run short so she wouldn't overheat. She looked ready to snooze as soon as we got close to the house.
Yes, that's Shyla's antler that she found a few weeks ago. She sends a huge "thanks" to the Runner who brought it home for her after I nearly destroyed my bad shoulder trying to carry it.
That huge and heavy elk antler was what revealed that my shoulder has become quite unstable since my surgery in February. I'm now doing an intensive shoulder strengthening program that is already helping. When my shoulder "pops out of joint", it is downright excruciating. I have to use my other hand to gently manipulate my bad shoulder until it pops back into joint. Thank goodness that it's happened only twice since my PT started my new strengthening program. I am really lucky to have a Physical Therapist who knew exactly what to do when the instability reared its ugly head!
Shyla says "mine, mine, mine"!
Happy Summertime to you!


  1. it's like shyla has her very own antler fort. so darn cute!

  2. Love Shyla and her antler. Sorry about your shoulder, though.

  3. Love the mountain lion pictures. Millie and Walter are so jealous of that antler.

  4. Oh wow! Your trail cameras are awesome! I love the huge antler Shyla found! That looks like a fun chew!! Gorgeous dog and flower pics!!!

  5. Shyla has quite the prize! The cat looks big and healthy. It got into high 70's here today. We biked to Keystone. Tomorrow will bike up Vail Pass.

  6. We love those pictures of Shyla and the antler
    Lily & Edward

  7. Shyla, you are so lucky. We have PIECES of antler....Dui loves them.

    XXXOOO Bella Roxy & Dui

  8. A little too close for me, ( the lion, that is) and the antler, a perfect snoozing place. beautiful mountain flower, and huge hopes for the shoulder to stay where it should, Cheers,Jean.

  9. Those mountain lions are so eerie, but so beautiful! Shyla looks extremely proud of her antler.

  10. The purple columbine is soo beautful KB!
    And Shyla's antler is magnificent!
    That is one big kitty!

  11. I'm so glad you have a good PT. That makes so much difference.

    That's amazing about the mountain lion!

  12. OMD, you hare so adorable with your antler find, Shyla! Love the photos and your columbine is stunning!

  13. Are mountain lions like bears and get interested in human food?

  14. Congrats on your PT! thanks for sharing the trail photos of the lion and that he shared your space peacefully and invisibly.

  15. She really is proud of that antler, isn't she?

    I hope your shoulder feels better soon.

    Monty and Harlow

  16. That antler is too cool! Maybe you could hang Shyla's toys on it and train her to remove them? ;)

    What I wouldn't give for 80 degrees in the shade...

  17. We always enjoy seeing those big cats and we love Shyla with her prize antler!

  18. What a fantastic find that antler is!

  19. Oh Shyla, you and your antler make me smile!!!
    Oh, that Mountain Lion is beautiful!
    We gots them all around here in the hills, and sometimes they come down here to the city. Finally the animal control has gotten permission to tranq the Lions instead of shooting them dead..yes, that is what they had to do up until a couple of months ago. Progress, sometimes is slow.
    Ruby ♥

  20. Look at that giant antler nom! Do you knows how much they charge for little itty bitty antler pieces?? Shyla, you is rich!!

    PS hope mom's shoulder feels better soon!

  21. That lion would scare the begeebees out of our mom! We are glad your shoulder is improving. Mom says that is the worst pain. We love the pics with Shyla and the elk antler. It makes us drool!

    Your Pals,

    Murphy & Stanley

  22. Wow, the lion got so close to the camera. Very cool!

    And Shyla looks very pleased with her awesome find.

  23. How Piper would LOVE an elk antler! She once had a deer antler that I had brought home for a particular project. I let her "see it for a minute" and she was so happy, that was the end of my project :)
    When she had gnawed down several of the points, she would just hold the antler in her mouth with two long points sticking up like tusks on either side of her mouth...so funny! made me do a double-take the first few times I saw her do it.
    I would love to see her face if I gave her an elk antler. I could hope to miraculously find a single moose antler, but I don't think that broad paddle shape would have the same thrill factor.
    Lucky girl, Shyla!!


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