Wildlife footage: 2016-2018 (in progress)

Monday, July 14, 2014

Computer Chaos

After being "fixed", my computer worked for abut 36 hours. It's now kaput again so I am back on the iPad. In the big scheme of things, I know it's not a big deal. But, it is frustrating.

Because everything is harder on an iPad, I'll keep this post short. 

Just before my computer crashed, I checked a memory card from a trail camera that showed me that a new black bear sow, who has at least one cub, has made a foray into our neck of the woods. I have video (on my crashed computer) of the mother and one cub at the spring where we saw cubs play last summer. I can't wait to share it with you!

This morning, Shyla and I had a wonderful mountain bike ride together, enjoying glorious weather and soaking up the sweet smells and sights of our wildflower bounty.
Now, I will hope that the computer experts will make good on their promise to make my computer the number one priority tomorrow morning. In the meantime, I am looking forward to watching a Tour de France stage this evening and to a sunset hike with Duo!
I sure hope that all this computer chaos ends soon!


  1. Oh bummer! I agree, the iPad isn't as easy to blog with. You still shared great photos though.

  2. We're heading towards Bryce so we won't have a computer either. We'll be running off the phone!

    Your Pals,

    Murphy & Stanley

  3. Hi Y'all!

    Yep, once we get used to using these things, and believe me it's a tough go with paws, it's difficult when the technology fails.

    Can't wait to see the pictures of the sow and cub.

    Y'all come by now,
    Hawk aka BrownDog

  4. Nice post anyway. My husband saw a black bear early this morning. Fortunately the bear was just crossing the road into the woods down the street. Lucy paid no attention. She was too busy sniffing the ground and didn't even see the bear.

  5. Admit it, it's so damn frustrating you want to howl! BOL
    Lily & Edward

  6. I'm impressed that your posts are turning out so well. Thank you for taking the trouble to write them!

    Good luck on getting your computer fixed.

  7. Bummer about the internet....so frustrating.

  8. Sheesh, sometime technology is so very frustrating!

    Can't wait to find out more about Mama Bear and her little one!

  9. We love to hear about the wonderful times you have with the duo's!
    They are sooo beautiful.
    Were hoping your computer gets fixed tomorrow!

  10. We hope your computer gets fixed for you in a hurry. How frustrating for you, KB! Your pictures are beautiful on your iPad too.

    Love ya lots♥
    Mitch and Molly

  11. Funny how dependent we've all become on our computers! How did I ever grow up without one? I don't have a tablet, but I've heard they are not very easy to use for blogging. Hope your computer gets properly repaired!

  12. One of my happiest job changes was getting out of IT - computers are frustrating! I hope you get yours fixed quickly.

    Monty and Harlow

  13. How frustrating. I hope they get you fixed up soon, and right this time.

  14. Those problems are no fun. i hope they get things working once again.

  15. I would never know you were having computer issues - you are doing a fine job with the Ipad!

  16. Yikes! Desktops can be problematic things because of their bulk, leaving them exposed to more damaging elements. I hope that everything has been fixed by now. Anyway, your dogs look so lovable. Looking at their pictures makes me want to play with them. Haha! Thanks for sharing their pictures. All the best!

    Luther Knight @ NWA Cell Phone Repair

  17. I've published from the iPad and always have spacing issues. Just frustrating. Finally, we got a good rain here - it was getting quite dusty on the trails. Still no signs of bears here - maybe they're higher up at this time of the summer. (Or maybe just hiding in plain sight!)

  18. Oh no! Sorry about your computer!! That sounds so frustrating! I'm looking forward to seeing mama bear and her baby!! Lovely photos as usual. :D

  19. I hope you still have the video, even though you've now learned the computer has suffered its last reboot.

    And boy, are you lucky to be able to watch the Tour! I've been missing it this year, although that's an improvement over last year when I just didn't care anymore. Kind of sad this year to hear all the big guns have been crashing out...


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