Wildlife footage: 2016-2018 (in progress)

Monday, July 21, 2014

The Dogs' Day

Most of my posts are about my morning bike rides with Shyla. Not only do we do a mountain bike ride together, but we also play training games during our morning outing. The photo below is from another of the silly games that I made up!
When Shyla and I get home from our morning ride, R is usually sacked out, pleasantly tired after running with the Runner.
Our evening outings, usually around sunset, are much less extensive than my morning ones because we're all tired by then. I occasionally get some photos of the Labraduo during that hike.
But, R isn't as "into" the camera as Shyla is. I get lots of photos like this one.
So, when we were out for a smoky red sunset the other night, I started by taking photos of Shyla alone, figuring that R wouldn't cooperate. Moreover, a red sunset makes Shyla's fur glow in a way that black fur can't.
So, imagine my surprise when I tried to photograph R just after that sunset, and he cooperated! What a handsome Labradude. I love when I can capture the softness of his eyes in a photo. He's a wildly enthusiastic Labrador - a trainer once called him "a 10,000 volt dog". However, he also has a sensitivity that is sometimes apparent in his eyes.
I love these days when we can linger at sunset in the season's warmth.
Happy Summertime.


  1. just gorgeous, intense, alert pups!

  2. Happy summertime indeed. Great photographs of the lovely dogs.

  3. Love these photos! It's often difficult to photograph a black dog well - but you do an amazing job! Of course, R makes it pretty easy since he's such a handsome fella. :)

  4. R, don't be shy, we love to see your handsome dudeness!

  5. Love the photos of them together. Of course I love all the photos, actually.

  6. I love those days, too, and I always love pictures of the Labraduo, either together or on their own!

  7. OK I have to admit that my favorite is the one where R isn't cooperating. Made my MOM giggle. She sometimes experiences the same with me and Bert. There is a reason that we call Bert the "poser", he will pose even without asking him to. Me on the other paw, well lets just say that R and I have something in common.

  8. They're such beautiful dogs. <3 Attempted group pictures of Nola and Pike usually turn out like that, too. Maybe boys aren't as big of hams!

  9. I agree about R's sensitive eyes. He's a handsome boy!

  10. Great Pictures, R has really special Eyes.
    Beautiful flower.
    We have very warm for Sweden. Even up North. They have given out class 1 warning as we called it because of more than 3 Days in a row over 30+C (86F). We have almost +30 too. THe dogs are laying around all day. Walks are to hot, then we have to go at 5AM. Tyra is doing fine.

  11. You are a VERY handsome boy, R!
    Happy Summertime!

    Love ya lots♥
    Mitch and Molly

  12. That's funny, I don't get the impression of R being a "10,000 volt dog". I guess he's always had his big dose of exercise by the time you are taking his picture and he is a bit more mellow by then. I get a much more energetic vibe from Shyla.

  13. Beautiful, as always! I think someone is getting jealous and decided he wants some pics of his own... :)

  14. WOW - what a handsome lab R is!!! I love the glow of SHyla's fur - but I am so into R's expressive eyes. I think my next lab will have to be a black one!!!!

  15. Great shots! My favorite part of summer is the long days.

  16. You enjoy those games mom makes up for you. Mom does nutty things like that too. Gorgeous flower
    Lily & Edward

  17. Wow! Great photos. Do we always say that? Yup, afraid we do cuz they are always so breathtaking!

    Your Pals,

    Murphy & Stanley

  18. Happy Summertime indeed...beautiful "Labraduo Portraits"!!

  19. I like that photo of R, looks like there is a lot going on behind those eyes.

  20. Piper has recently become very reluctant to have her picture taken - it's quite a change, and I don't know why...unless she is worried about losing control of her Public Image on the blog!

  21. Hi Y'all!

    What a beautiful pair! And gorgeous flower.

    Y'all come by now,
    Hawk aka BrownDog


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