Wildlife footage: 2016-2018 (in progress)

Wednesday, July 16, 2014

Wordless Wednesday: Reflection

Eye Reflection P.S. I am struggling with a short-term solution to my computer woes while I await a new computer. I have no access to all sorts of things... like photo-editing software and my feedly account so I may be absent more than I wish to be!


  1. certainly understandable! great shot!

  2. I see you KB! Hope your computer problems are fixed real soon.

  3. LOVE that! I found an iPad "ap" called Aviary that is a photo editing and, while basic, can do some useful stuff.

  4. It's a photo editing AP!! See, I can edit my photos on my iPad, I just cant write!! BOL!!

  5. I bought photoshop elements 11 at christmas and still don't know how to use it. lol

    Hope you can find a solution to
    fix your computer.

    xo Linda and Cinnamon

  6. We understand KB,,, and its good to know you and your family are all ok- while you wait for the new computer.
    If this happened to my mommy- oh gosh- PANIC time,

  7. Gotta love that shot. Hope your wait isn't long.

  8. Good luck! You have my sympathy. I would be lost without my computer.

  9. Very pretty shot.

    I know you said you can't access your feedly account so this probably doesn't help, but in case you meant feedly in general and didn't know there is a feedly app for iPad. I use it on iPhone and while it can be a little annoying you can get used to it for the time being. The biggest issue is I have to keep clicking 'done' and then re-clicking the comment box when leaving comments, hope that isn't an issue for you.
    As for photo-editing - I know nothing will be as comfortable as whatever you're using on your computer, but check for apps of the full program for the iPad. That said, programs originally written as apps, rather than for the computer first, are usually a better experience.
    In terms of those, I haven't used it myself but I know many photographers who love to use the app 'vscocam', you may want to check it out.
    Good luck! Let me know if there's anything I can do to help.

  10. I can relate KB...computer issues are awful. I'd be in a panic. Sure hope it gets fixed soon! I, too, have used Feedly on my ipad / iphone. Hope you are feeling ok!!

  11. Such a pretty picture! (Even without photo editing software!)

    Monty and Harlow

  12. Computer crashes as so frustrating!

    That is a neat picture. I think I can ever see a glimpse of your home in that reflection!

  13. Peek-a-Boo!

    Lily Belle & Muffin

  14. What a beautiful shot, KB.

    Love ya lots♥
    Mitch and Molly

  15. Computer live their own lives sometimes. I know. Have a great day!

  16. As long as you keep cranking out beautiful photos like this one, who needs photo editing software?!? :)

  17. Happy Ending: Last week my 7 year old laptop computer quit; the start up wheel just kept spinning, and it kept overheating, but wouldn't boot up. Genius Bar said it started fine for them, but back home it wouldn't work. Hmm. We don't have air conditioning and it's been very humid, so turned on a dehumidifier in the basement. and left the laptop down there overnight.
    Next morning it booted up just fine. So now the laptop spends it's nights in the dryer basement.

  18. That is a fantastic photo! Hey, the Mr. Reader app is great and you can log into your Feedly account with it.

  19. Nothing is more frustrating then computer problems. Hope they are solved soon. That picture is amazing!


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