Wildlife footage: 2016-2018 (in progress)

Thursday, August 21, 2014

A Mountain Lion Pair

My trail cameras have never captured photos of adult mountain lions together until now.

First, my trail camera photographed a large male mountain lion heading east.
He stopped briefly next to one of my trail cameras that was on his route.
A couple of miles later, he was still on the same path.

My next glimpse of him was amazing! He was with a smaller adult mountain lion - likely a female mountain lion. I am guessing that this is a mating pair. Mountain lions can breed at any time of year.
That was the only spot where I captured photos of the pair together although a mating pair usually stays together for several days.

By 8/12, I believe they had separated. I think that this is the female from the pair above leaving the area. She's wearing a GPS collar.
I love capturing these glimpses into the lives of our most secretive animals. It would be fun if this female chose to raise her young kittens in our neck of the woods. Only time will tell... Gestation is about 90 days.


  1. That is so awesome seeing the pair
    Lily & Edward

  2. Wow! Great pictures. Won't it be amazing if you see kittens? And only 90 days? If I'd had to guess, I'd have thought longer. I suppose only because these days I'm on the goat calendar, which is 150 days. Probably the extra 60 days is for growing a lifetime supply of mischief.

  3. Wow! Great pictures. Won't it be amazing if you see kittens? And only 90 days? If I'd had to guess, I'd have thought longer. I suppose only because these days I'm on the goat calendar, which is 150 days. Probably the extra 60 days is for growing a lifetime supply of mischief.

  4. Great capture of the mountain lions, especially the photo showing the pair!

  5. Wouldn't that be divine....watching some kittens grow up.

  6. That seems like such a short gestation for such a big cat! Doesn't that also mean the babies will be born in winter? Is that typical?

  7. So cool to see those two - keep us posted on any future young uns:)

  8. Wonderful to see these silent creatures on the move.

  9. Oh my goodness, what a treat! Perhaps in the future you will get images of mama and cubs...

  10. oh wow!!!! how cool is that!

  11. Oh I LOVES them!!!! They are so magnificent! I love seein' glimpses, however brief, into their daily routines!
    Paws crossed for cubs!!!
    Ruby ♥

  12. I'm keeping my fingers crossed that we get to see them. :)

  13. It would be fun to watch mountain lion kittens grow up!

  14. I agree, it would be a lot of fun to see her with her kittens! Here's hoping you (and us readers) luck out!

  15. So cool! I have always wanted to see a cat in the wild. From a distance. LOL

  16. wonderful sightings indeed! seems their mouths are open in most photos, i wonder if they are mouth breathers....

  17. What wonderful captures! We can't wait to see if the Mama hangs around!

  18. Wow, they are magnificant. Hope to see the kittens!

  19. Wow! Fantastic to see the pair together! I wonder who is tracking the female's location?

  20. Loving mountain lions myself, I am absolutely delighted at these beautiful captures. I hope for you that she will raise her young ones in your neighborhood.


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