Wildlife footage: 2016-2018 (in progress)

Tuesday, August 12, 2014

Lots of Fun!

Life is starting to return to normal around here, after some fun in the Rockies. Many of you know how much we adore the high mountains of Colorado. We love camping up high where we are surrounded by high mountain peaks. We spent a couple of weeks with only rare visits to anyplace lower than 11,000'!
Of course, the Labraduo was with us, snuggling into our sleeping bags every night.

It's no surprise that they love swimming in high mountain lakes. R's enthusiasm is over the top. He literally quivers with anticipation when someone is about to throw a stick in the lake.
Then he launches himself like a flying Labrador.
On our recent trip, Shyla found an intensity level about retrieving that I didn't know she had inside her. She awaited the throw...
And she launched herself high above the water to retrieve the stick.
Seeing the Duo's enthusiasm for something as simple as fetching puts life in perspective. After their intense races to the stick, they often carry it back together.
It's been a wonderful few weeks, replete with long mountain bike rides on the Continental Divide, lazy afternoons soaking up the sunshine, and glorious wildflowers all around us. This is an Elephant flower. Do you see why that's its name?
Yes, there was some inevitable rain too but the bright sunshine is what I remember most. I hope to tell you all about it and to catch up with your summer news!


  1. What a great pic of the Duo sharing a stick!!! And yes, that flower truly resembles an elephant, and oh how beautiful and unique it is as well!!! Great to see a post - hope you are doing better.

  2. OH yes, you made my year. You have gotten pictures of all my requests. And finally a beautiful picture of the elephant flower. I have not seen one in two years. Thank you so so much

  3. Beautiful! I smiled all the way through.

  4. The two of them with the stick is just THE BEST!! Glad you all have a wonderful time.

  5. Oh my gosh, that photo of both of them with the stick is absolute perfection! What a beautiful duo.

  6. We are so happy you all had such a good time up in the high wilderness area. The photos are beautiful!
    We see the elephants trunk on the flower!
    And we love the photos of R and Shyla sailing into the water!

  7. The pictures do your words such incredible justice! I'm glad you all had such a great time. I can't wait to hear more about it!

  8. They like cold water a lot more than I do! Good for them!

  9. We can just FEEL you soaking up the sunshine!

  10. From beginning to end, what perfectly wonderful photos! You just get better and better with every post!

    Hoping all is well with you!

    Jo and Stella

  11. It does look like an elephant....a pink elephant. Wonder what that says about us.

    Glad you could have such a wonderful holiday. Love the picture of the dogs with the stick.

  12. OMD, we love the two of you retrieving the stick together ♥

    Love ya lots♥
    Mitch and Molly

  13. I just adore this set of pictures!!! You live in such a unique part of the country...the one with the stick is award worthy!! Glad you are enjoying your world and thanks for sharing it with us!! xo

  14. Oh KB that pic of the duo carrying the stick is SO SO GOOD! Glad you had a nice break, I always look forward to your recaps of your camping trips. Welcome home :):)

  15. What a great time, looks so beautiful. Our time in Colorado was pretty short and I'm sure there are great things to see. I told Emily from Adventures of a dog mom to check out your blog. Your labs are all twins. LOL

  16. What a wonderful trip! And that awesome picture of the Duo and their stick is priceless.

    Since we're not getting out of the house here, we've living life and dreaming through your post.

    Lily Belle & Muffin

  17. I love the dual retrieve picture. What a fun trip.

  18. Your labs are so lucky! What an idyllic life they lead!

  19. I love the creek shots. All the photos are gorgeous.

  20. That is just wonderful! So glad you had a fun vacation with the Duo. My favorite is the two of them returning the stick just like real siblings :)

  21. Bonding at its best! 11000 feet! Holy bedrock!
    Lily & Edward

  22. Wow, you have all had a wonderful time, two with one stick!!! And the flower, such glorious deep colour. Back home, take care, Jean.

  23. We love the photo of the duo swimming with the stick. Me and Stanley do that all the time.

    Your pals,

    Murphy & Stanley
    Mayorz For All Paws

  24. OMD!!! Those pics are FABulous!!! Ma gasped at the furst one ~ it looks like a postcard!
    Butts I liked the action shots and the stick rescue!!! Nice work guys!!
    Ruby ♥

  25. Great photos of your high mountain vacation. Our elephant head is all gone - late summer wildflowers are blooming right now.


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