Wildlife footage: 2016-2018 (in progress)

Saturday, August 23, 2014

My Sweet Girl

Shyla and I are getting closer with every adventure we take together.

She can be a super intense and high energy dog.
Fancy Footwork
But, she can also be the sweetest and mellowest girl around. For some reason, this photo captured my heart. It shows Shyla's soft eyes and sweet demeanor. I took it around sunset in a meadow in the San Juan mountains.
Glow of the Setting Sun
It's been almost two years since I met Shyla, and she's become part of my heart.


  1. Love that portrait. The low sun really makes her glow.

  2. Shyla looks like a youngster to me in most of her pictures, but lately every now and then she suddenly looks like a Grown Up Girl. That lovely portrait is a Grown Up Shyla, isn't it? But I think (I hope) she'll always be a youngster at heart :)

  3. Oh, she is such a beauty!!!! I loves her eyes and all those FABulous action shots!!! Ma's crappy camera doesn't do good action shots.
    I thinks it's time to upgrade! ☺
    Have a FABulous Saturday guys!
    Ruby ♥

  4. She is a beauty inside and out , and we are so happy she is such a big part of your life.

  5. I think your Shyla and my Harlow have the same kind of heart - they both came to us when we needed them and have helped us with the loss of great dogs. Give her a smooch from me.

    Monty and Harlow

  6. You are such a beauty and we love you too, Shyla ♥

    Mitch and Molly

  7. I think Hailey and Shyla have a lot in common. Thank goodness for that calm, sweet side! So beautiful.

  8. You were both lucky to have found one another!

  9. Beautiful photograph that really captures sweet Shyla.

  10. And Shyla has captured our hearts too!
    What beautiful photos, and soulful eyes!

  11. I am sure you are a part of hers.

  12. A beautiful girl inside and out, we are so glad you both found each other!

  13. Wow...she looks so much like K in that picture <3

  14. These are both great pictures! We are so glad you found each other!

  15. The flower makes that photo special! It brings out the girly girl in Shyla!

    Your Pals,

    Murphy & Stanley
    Mayorz For All Paws

  16. It's funny how some photos seem to capture the sweet spirit of our beloved dogs. I treasure the one like that of Kasey. Shyla is just lovely.


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