Wildlife footage: 2016-2018 (in progress)

Monday, August 18, 2014

Sunset and Night Sky

Our campsite in the San Juans overlooked the "Lizard Head", which is the pointy mountain on the horizon. We saw several beautiful sunsets over it.
Glorious Sky over the Lizard Head
Those sunsets were often followed by clouds flowing across the sky at dusk, with the stars twinkling behind them.
Flowing Clouds
The beauty that we saw from that campsite was breath-taking.


  1. OMG!!!
    Really breathtaking as you write....Lovely!!

  2. It's something a lot of people will never see in their lifetime
    Lily & Edward

  3. Breathtaking is the only word we can think of to describe your photos!!!

  4. Breathtaking is absolutely correct! WOW!

  5. Such beauty...I'm so glad you are able to live it. And we can see it through your eyes (and lens)!

  6. My gosh, that really is breathtaking! What stunner shots!

  7. We agree, that is beautiful scenery. For a future post, are you camping in a tent? (we hope so!)


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