Wildlife footage: 2016-2018 (in progress)

Friday, August 29, 2014

Two Years!

Two years ago, we met Shyla - a sweet and very timid little chocolate lab.
It's been a long journey, as Shyla and I have learned to cope with her fears. They are not banished but are much better. We've learned, together, how to live a life that makes Shyla very happy, as you can see from the photo above.

Shyla adores the mountains and running like the wind. As her name says, she is a "daughter of the mountains". She brims with confidence when we are outside in nature.
Shyla loves her brother, R, and he loves her. They have a strong bond - perhaps the strongest we've seen among any pair of our dogs.
The Duo on Top of the World
Over these past two years, Shyla and I have come to share a deep love of the high mountains.
 And a love of seizing the day - together.
Shyla has changed our family, showering us with the love and sweetness that overflows from her soul.
Thank you, Shyla, for helping to heal our hearts. We love you.


  1. Oh my goodness has it really been two years since that crazy drive to the airport?! I can't believe it! She has come SO far...all because she ended up with the most amazing family ever <3 happy Shylaversary!!!! You know how much I love all of your sweet doggies-they each have a very special place in my heart <3 lots of love!

  2. We too love you Shyla and all you bring to your mom and family. I will never forget K's journey, when it didn't seem possible to love again. All it took was you, Shyla and hearts healed, including yours. ♥

  3. and may there be many more years of sharing to come.

  4. Two years already? Shyla was the perfect addition to your life. We wish you both many more wonderful years together.

  5. I can't believe it's been two years! Congrats to you and your magical family!

  6. Hearts with sadness can be healed in many ways, yours is in the bundle of fun called Shyla, and with R, a wonderful pair of providers of TLC, love, companionship and so much more. As always, photos are superb, but your last one, tops. Hugs to all, Jean

  7. I can't believe it's been so long! I remember when you were debating between Shyla and a younger puppy. From an outside perspective, her progress has been absolutely awe-inspiring and so beautiful. I'm so glad you have such a wonderful girl.

  8. Not only has Shyla healed your heart- she has also healed ours.
    And we can see the love pouring out of her

  9. Beautiful words, beautiful photos. Happy anniversary.

  10. R and Shyla are so gorgeous!! It's nice when two family dogs bond like that. My girls get along really well but I have a few friends where the dogs don't get along and it's miserable.

  11. I never doubted that she was meant to be with you, and the girl sure knows how to work a camera! Here's to many more happy years together!

  12. We love her too. And thank you for sharing her with us. Something are just meant to be. And you were meant to be together.

  13. What an amazing milestone! We celebrate this anniversary that started a journey that has made us laugh, grow, conquer, and heal with you all. You are blessed in having each other and we are blessed for the privilege of sharing your lives.

  14. Happy, Happy Gotcha Day to both you and Shyla...I think you both were meant to find each other!

  15. Congratulations! It doesn't seem possible it's been two years already.

  16. Happy Gotcha Day! We absolutely adore you, Shyla, and we're so happy that you have the most wonderful life with KB and R and the Runner ♥

  17. What a joyous post! Congratulations on two years together, and wishing you many, many more!

  18. She really is a beautiful pup!

    Monty and Harlow

  19. Happy 2 years of love! It's been a great journey for us to watch Shyla bond and grow with your family.

    We love you Shyla!!

    Lily Belle & Muffin

  20. Gosh, two years already??? And for much longer than that you and your pups have been reminding us all - right along with yourself - of the value of being present in the moment. Happy ShylaVersary!

  21. Happy Gotcha Day! That is downright nutty it's been two years
    Lily & Edward

  22. That is a beautiful post! Shyla is one lucky dog!! (Of course so is R too!)

  23. KB and Runner, You literally saved Shyla's life and in turn she has given you an abundance of love and joy. So very thankful that you gave her the perfect forever home. May you have many, many years together in the mountains.
    Hugs, Noreen

  24. Happy Two years!! Love that last photo!

    Your Pals,

    Murphy & Stanley
    Mayorz For All Paws
    "Use Your Noodle & Vote For A Doodle"

  25. Happy 2 years! Thank you for sharing Shyla with us!

  26. Happy Gotcha Day to Shyla. She sure found a perfect forever home.

  27. I can't believe it's been two years! I'm so glad Shyla joined your pack so she could become who she was meant to be. Happy Gotcha Day!!


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