Wildlife footage: 2016-2018 (in progress)

Tuesday, September 23, 2014

A Special Day

Today was K's birthday. She would've been 11 years old. Her life was a gift to me, and I still think of her every day.

Every year, we took her and our other dogs to DogLeap Lake to celebrate her special day. Here she was, during one of her last celebration outings.
K and R were great playmates, especially in the water. They often brought sticks to shore together.
The year that K died, we decided that we needed to keep this tradition alive - to celebrate K's life and enduring spirit. R knew the celebration tradition, and he taught his new sister well.
When K was alive, R was the younger brother who followed her lead. Now, R is the leader.
And he plays his new role well. He frequently wins the races with Shyla to fetch the sticks.
But Shyla wins on occasion. As Shyla has grown up, R has sometimes let her win, and that has given her the confidence to go for it!
Happy Birthday, K. Thank you for teaching us to celebrate life. We are trying to follow your lessons well. But I wish you were here to keep teaching us. I miss you so much.
The biggest lesson that K taught us was "Carpe Diem", and I still try to live by it.


  1. You definitely live by that motto! You lead an amazing life!

  2. We have to say that K taught ALL of us a lot of very good lessons. Carrying on fun traditions is a great way to carry on her memory.

  3. Oh KB, I so admire your ability - and willingness - to write about the things that I can't put into words, even in my mind. Thank you.

  4. I love the pictures of K today, along with the ones of R and Shyla. Seeing them helps me to see how uniquely different K and Shyla are. I think if K could have chosen anything in the world to leave you with, it would have been Shyla! She was a very special girl!

  5. K was such a beautiful girl! What a wonderful way to remember her! <3 ~hugs~


  6. Happy Birthday to K.
    Her memory lives on.

    xo Cinnamon

  7. Oh, that was a most lovely post!
    K was so very beautiful, and it looks like K and R were the bestest of pals.
    Butts, it sure looks like Shyla and R are best pals too! Those shots are just priceless!
    Happy Burthday Angel K.
    Your legacy lives on...
    Ruby ♥

  8. Hugs to K, as she has that so special in all our hearts. Words of happiness as together, K & R, and now Shyla and R, live their days with you. Your words are so true. I'll try and live to them. One so special girl, Hugs, Jean.XXX

  9. Great lesson for peeps to learn. We dogs, just naturally understand it. We've even refined it to Seize the Moment.

  10. Happy Birthday, K. We will never ever forget you ♥

  11. Happy birthday wise K. Thank you and all your counterparts (like my Tasha and Tynan) who taught us so much and for whom we live each day to it's fullest in honor of!

  12. It's a great joy to have memories to celebrate. You honor K by seeing her in your life every day, and seizing the opportunities to make new memories.

  13. Always such beautiful memories of sweet K. We too believe in keeping on with traditions. We find it makes our hearts swell with love.

    Thank you for sharing this special day with us.

    Lily Belle & Muffin

    (Sorry we're a day late!)

  14. Happy Birthday K. Have some cake with my Benny Boy
    Lily & Edward

  15. That is so wonderful you keep the tradition alive. You have two wonderful dogs.

  16. Such a wonderful, wonderful Birthday tribute.

  17. How wonderful to have these beautiful photos to send you back to a time when she was with you!

    Your Pals,

    Murphy & Stanley
    Our "Mystery Kiss" series resumes tomorrow! FFHT is coming on Friday!

  18. Happy Birthday, dear K. You did teach all of us a lot about living to the fullest.

  19. I just love seeing R playing with sweet Shyla...he lives in the moment, too, like you are trying to do. You are so lucky to have such an amazing pair and to have had such an incredible deep love with K. I know how difficult her birthday must have been-you are in our hearts and thoughts always. Love to all of you,

  20. Happy Birthday Angel K,,
    Thank you for showing us how to live and be happy!

  21. Happy Birthday, K. I hope you and Gizmo are romping together - he loved to carry sticks with Bart...

  22. Happy birthday K. Each and every dog brings special memories. I've had five now. Three Chessapeakes and two GSD. All were buddies and friends. Baron was my pal...:)


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