Wildlife footage: 2016-2018 (in progress)

Wednesday, September 10, 2014

Almost Wordless Wednesday: Rain

Before last September's devastating floods, I believed that there was no such thing as "too much rain" in our neck of the woods. I was wrong. On these days near the anniversary, it's been raining almost daily, again.


  1. A little rain doesn't dampen the spirits of Labs...

  2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  3. Hopefully this time it won't be a deluge! It certainly made for some pretty pictures!

  4. STUNNING photos!! Love that macro setting!!

    Your Pals,

    Murphy & Stanley
    Mayorz For All Paws
    Use Your Noodle & Vote For A Doodle!

  5. Looks like there is a lot of laundry going on with the wet doggy towels. Glad the Labs love the rain. Our Lucy hates it and so did Ellie.

  6. Your photos proof that there is no "bad weather" for stunning photography! I'd love some rain here as well, we desperately need it.

  7. Please send any extra rain our way!

    Bart, Ruby and Otto who love to swim butt won't go out in the rain and are very impressed with shy la's wet coat!!

  8. Shyla is soooo enjoying her run--rain or not.

  9. Ciara and Lightning love the rain, but not so much Phantom.

    You really know how to make rain look pretty:) Look at those photos!!!

  10. Sad that we can have too much of a good thing. Hope the rain doesn't turn to floods.

  11. I love the plants with the raindrops! Shyla is so pretty! :D

    I wish it would rain here!

  12. wet and then there is WET, your last photo, definitely competition worthy!!! Just had to put that in. And do the Duo love the wet too? Hope nowhere nearly like last September. Hugs,Jean.

  13. Looks like you and Shyla are making the most of the raindrops! Lovely!

  14. Everything looks so beautiful with raindrops - even Shyla!

  15. Shyla sure doesn't shy away from the rain ;) Sorry for the bad joke...

  16. Wow - looky those rain drops and Shyla is all wet!


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