Wildlife footage: 2016-2018 (in progress)

Thursday, September 25, 2014

Autumn at its Peak

The world is so bright that Shyla almost needs shades!
One of my favorite sights is Shyla's golden eyes next to golden aspen leaves.
We've reached that time of year when we feel like we need to hurry to fit in all the fun stuff that we want to do before winter is here. Most mornings are chilly now, and the sometimes the Divide looks like it has winter storm clouds over it. They look particularly dramatic with the patches of golden aspen groves in the forest below them.
We visit Hug Hill almost every day now because the snow tends to get too deep to visit it easily in mid-winter. That makes us appreciate it even more at this time of year.
But, the unique part of this time of year is not very apparent on Hug Hill. The golden aspens are down lower, and I can't get enough of them. I love the golden backdrop as we play.
A few wildflowers are still blooming. I stop and appreciate them, knowing that we will have many months when all the flowers are sleeping.
Happy Autumn!


  1. I've always admired Shyla's golden eyes. I've never seen another lab with that color.

  2. Yes, we see changes daily. We're supposed to get much cooler weather day after tomorrow. I hope we do cuz me and Stanley will go crazy when it cools off cuz we can play for a long time without getting too hot! We love the cool and cold weather!!

    Your Pals,

    Murphy & Stanley

  3. So many beautiful color in the fall - isn't there? And you capture them all!!
    I love the photo of Shyla, where she looks like she is in mid air flying,,,, So much happiness.

  4. Shyla has such pretty eyes :)
    This is the most comfortable time of year for me, here in New England. I can actually enjoy just sitting outside, because most of the mosquitoes and all the horseflies and deerflies are gone. So pleasant!
    Of course, all the colors are a big bonus.

  5. Shyla is so pretty!! Her golden eyes sure do look gorgeous with the fall colors!! <3

  6. Incredible! We're only experiencing the very, very beginnings of fall.

  7. Great photos! Lovely to see Shyla and the autumn colors as it is spring on my side of the world.

  8. Those eyes are absolutely stunning. Such beautiful photos. And yeah, I'm trying to rush in all the fun warm outdoors stuff now as well, fall really got here quick.

  9. Shyla looks absolutely glorious!

    That moment when nature starts to shut down for the winter is poignant. We have nothing like your winters here but even so, we already notice how many fewer insects are about, and appreciate each and every wildflower that still blooms.

  10. So beautiful!! You are making me miss Wyoming.

  11. Gorgeous photos and such vibrant colors, KB ♥

  12. I am also loving all the Aspen/Shyla shots...the golden leaves just shine off of her coat!!

  13. On your neck of the woods the snow will come before you know it
    Lily & Edward

  14. KB, We just got back from a road trip and saw the most Glorious colors! We were up by Independence Pass and Steamboat. The brightest colors we've seen in the seven years(almost) that we've lived here. Enjoy!!!


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