Wildlife footage: 2016-2018 (in progress)

Wednesday, October 22, 2014

Almost Wordless Wednesday

We had a scary incident yesterday, having to do with guns and shady hunting practices. It made me realize, all over again, that I'll do anything to keep this girl safe.
The innocent minds of dogs don't understand the insanity of some people that could lead them to hurt or kill an innocent dog because they are afraid that the dog will lead people to discover their own unethical or illegal behavior.
That's why we have a responsibility to protect our beloved furry friends. Enough said.

P.S. We are all fine but I feel a heightened sense of worry and responsibility.


  1. Agree.. Keying our furkids safe. Hoping that with the scary incident all of you are safe.

  2. Agree.. Keeping our furkids safe. Hoping that with the scary incident all of you are safe.

  3. OMD I hope all is okay now.

    Aroo to you,

  4. Good for you and Shyla! I hope the poacher/s have been arrested and will have the book thrown at them.
    As a treat to offset the drama, and on a happier note, have you seen the news story and vid about the brown bear that investigated the GoPro? Here's a link to the newstory with imbedded video: http://www.newsandstar.co.uk/home/video-cumbrian-student-captures-close-encounter-with-grizzly-bear-1.1169864#
    Really amazing, and made me wonder whose toothmarks you have on your camera!

  5. Everything is OK now but I am being even more careful than before. Sorry to scare you!

  6. Oh no! What happened? Now I'm super curious! Glad you're all safe.

  7. Glad to hear all is OK. Be safe friends.

  8. Growing our girl into a canine good citizen has left her relatively helpless against unsocialized dogs, and that's where we feel the true obligation to protect her. Seems there are more than a few people who take pride in their aggressive animals.

    Glad to hear you managed your way through this situation yesterday.

  9. Relived to here you and Shyla are ok!
    I hope the offenders get some education and a fine for breaking the laws and poaching.
    xo Cinnamon

  10. Ugh, poachers :( I"m glad you're all right!

  11. Kia Ora KB,
    I'm sorry you had to have this experience. To be blunt it just sucks we have to worry at all about such things. Take care out there and Kia Kaha!

  12. We understand your fears,..
    The hunters are everywhere,, and they will shoot anything that moves,, as long as they do not get caught. Thats the mentality of the hunters here.
    Were glad your being extra safe.

  13. That second picture of Shyla is especially precious. She looks so wide-eyed and innocent. She also reminds me of R, with his serious look.

    I'm so glad you're both safe.

  14. OMD, I am glads you are all safe! How scary that must be to know creeps are out there that have no scruples!
    I'll be sendin' some good vibes your way! And maybe a couple of margaritas too...☺
    Ruby ♥

  15. Hello! Thanks for visiting the bayou today. I love your header. Your Labs are gorgeous. I'd protect my Bentley against the world.☺

  16. Stay safe, protect, defend, and I hope any "baddie" stays far away. Hugs, Jean.

  17. Sounds very scary. Our imaginations are going wild!

  18. We are relieved to hear that you're okay! Stoopid hoomans!

    Love ya lots♥
    Mitch and Molly

  19. Stay safe out there on your adventures!!😊

  20. Your own safety is something to think about as well. In a secluded area, you never know what someone might think they can get away with.

  21. Mom said she is reminded daily that people are nutty
    Lily & Edward

  22. Yes, yes, yes, please be safe out there.

  23. KB, To think I was only concerned with you and the pups coming across a momma bear and cub, or a mountain lion with her youngster-but now you also need to watch out for Hunters. I well remember, many years ago, a story from New England where hunters would go into peoples yards and property to shoot dear-then accidentally shot a person. Be careful dear friend. You and yours are so valuable and loved!
    Hugs, Noreen

  24. Oh no! Please stay safe!

    Monty and Harlow

  25. Hope the rest of the season is uneventful and safe!

  26. I hate to read that something unfortunate could have happened. Glad all is well.


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