Wildlife footage: 2016-2018 (in progress)

Saturday, October 11, 2014

Elk Hooves

Shyla keeps finding elk feet in the forest.
 But she's no longer sneaking off to enjoy them. She stays nearby, letting me see what she's doing.
 If I call her, she'll bring the elk hoof to me.
One of my goals is not to be the party-ender but to let her safely enjoy her treasures so she sees me as an ally rather than a foe to be hidden from. I think it's working!
But I really can't stand to let her gnaw on old bones/hooves for long. I give her a brief moment before getting her to move on to a new game.
It's been a good autumn, and it's still lingering.
I'm happy about that!


  1. yeah, my pups chew on some really disgusting things, too.

  2. I would have trouble with the old Elk hoof as well. But I think you are doing the right thing by not making her hide from you.

  3. From dead elk? Do they shed them? Harlow is quite the thief in our house, I could see those being on the top of her list.

    Monty and Harlow

  4. To Shyla that must be a real treat, she knows where to find them, hope they do not smell too bad. Lovely leaf colours, so hot here today, but a cool night on the way, Hugs.Jean

  5. I would definitely have trouble with the old elk hooves too. LadyBug would be hoarding those...she absolutely loves anything that smells! I have the same question...why are there so many lying around? Beautiful photos of Shyla and her treasure!

  6. We sure wish we could find an elk hoof on our morning walks! Lucky you, Shyla!

    Love ya lots♥
    Mitch and Molly

  7. YUM! Our pack often have hooves (cow) but we have to buy them. Enjoy the chew!

  8. Wow, that is amazing that there are so many!

    Your pals,

    Murphy & Stanley

  9. Unfortunately, old bones taste best. Suppose with each Elk having 4 hooves, there's lots out there!

  10. Glad you and your girl have found a compromise! I an sure the elk foot is a very special treat!

  11. Shyla is finding treats in the forest! I thought of you this AM - hope you weren't buried in snow. We got about 5" so far at the house.

  12. I agree with you about the elk hooves, and like how you've taught her to not hide her 'treasure' from you--It's a perfect compromise!

  13. Hi Y'all!

    I always present my finds to my Human. Sometimes they are kind of messy...as you'll see in my Monday Mischief post tomorrow.

    Y'all come by now,
    Hawk aka BrownDog

  14. I join you to in loving that Autumn hasn't passed yet. Love the photos of your girl with the hoof and antlers. I saw the coyote photo and couldn't believe how huge he was; reminded me of some I saw in Yosemite that I mistook for Wolves.
    Hope you have a great week.

  15. OMD, I LOVE hooves! Usually I get deer hooves to chew on, and they're from the store. I'd love to find elk hooves in the WILD!


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