Wildlife footage: 2016-2018 (in progress)

Saturday, October 25, 2014

Orange Days

The elk have been circling our place for the past week. They arrived a few weeks early for their winter near our home. Unfortunately, those are a critical few weeks.
Due to the elk arrival, the humans with guns have been circling too. The good news is that it's been quiet so far today.

So, orange has been the theme color for the week as we all try to be super visible in the forest. Shyla wears an orange vest whenever she's outside, and she even retrieves bright orange objects. In this case - a hat!
Her next retrieve was funny. In mid-jump, the hat flew up in her face but she landed the jump beautifully anyway!
I do take off her vest for a few photos. I've found, in past years, that I end up with an entire month's worth photos that I don't want to use for anything because they have the horrible orange vest in them. So, this year, when we are totally alone, I take some photos without it.

We played a retrieving game atop Hug Hill when the lighting was sublime. I love when Hug Hill is sunlit but the Divide is in the shade. We are working on having Shyla retrieve one of two toys, and I tell her which one with a "left" or "right" verbal cue.
We are mostly working on the "left" cue right now.
It's amazing how she does each retrieve with such incredible passion and energy!
Being able to play with such abandon lets Shyla totally relax after our games.
We are having some warm autumn days - perhaps the last ones. I am typing this on my deck. It was 60° earlier and now it's 50° (my lower limit for deck time)!

I cherish these days all the more knowing that winter is almost here. I also cherish the flashes of color in our landscape, like this wild geranium leaf glowing in the sunshine.
Enjoy your weekend!


  1. the elk are beautiful! so is shyla. :)

  2. Safety is always more important then looks. I know I look silly in my own safety gear on our morning walks as the days are shorter. Enjoy the beautiful fall weather.

  3. Dear KB,

    Can I be YOUR doggy? Please??

    Otto who is often bored...

  4. Shyla IS a retriever! Sounds like a dangerous time of year for more than the elk. Glad you wear the vests.

  5. Shyla- you almost look like you can fly!! Some of those photos are pure magic as you capture her happiness!
    Be careful

  6. Left and Right are fun things to teach (and useful too)! Shyla always looks like she has such a blast while retrieving. Even if the hat does flap in her face sometimes!

  7. Shyla is so pretty and she looks really good in orange, too! I'm sorry about the hunters.. that's kind of scary.

  8. Shyla's fun with left/right toy choice is obvious...it is a game White Dog loves to play anytime she can get time without her siblings grabbing the toys or interfering in the game.

    The geranium leaf is absolutely spectacular.

  9. These pictures are just beautiful!! The lighting is amazing! Thanks so much for sharing!! It's obvious she loves the game!!

  10. You are too funny, Shyla ☺ The autumn geranium leaf is just gorgeous!

  11. °.♪♬
    Passei para uma visita.
    Fotografias maravilhosas!!!!
    Parabéns pela série de imagens!

    Bom domingo!
    Beijinhos do Brasil.

  12. As you know, I don't like hunting season. I would hate to see those elk being hunted. And, I love the pic with the hat in her face, too funny.

  13. Shyla is exercising her body and her brain! I'm loving this long fall, too - I said after our walk today, "We could sit on the deck!" (But we already put the furniture away... Love that geranium leaf.

  14. I would be totally scared during those hunting weeks - scared for my dogs. I hope the orange vests are highly visible to those hunters.


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