Wildlife footage: 2016-2018 (in progress)

Sunday, October 5, 2014

Sunset Sunday

We've had some gorgeous sunsets lately. Yesterday evening, we hiked up to Hug Hill to view the clouds catching on fire. This is the classic view of the Divide from Hug Hill. There's just one tree between us and the mountains.
This is looking a little more to the north.
And finally, just as the brightness started to fade, I looked even more to the north, where the fiery sky was most intense. Whenever I see sunsets like these, I am reminded of the John Denver lyric "I've seen it raining fire from the sky...".
One night earlier this week, the colors were less fiery but still gorgeous. The jagged edge of Continental Divide is on the horizon.
One of the only things I like about the rapidly diminishing daylight is that sunrise and sunset happen at more convenient times so we see them more often! I hope that you're having a peaceful Sunday.


  1. just amazing. those lyrics are perfect.

  2. ''Raining fire from the sky'. yep, that describes it perfectly.

  3. Superbly gorgeous, every one. Enjoy sunrise and sunset , and we all have a small share in your beautiful Co landscape. Cheers,Jean

  4. BEautiful!!! Hope you and family had a nice peaceful Sunday too.

  5. Every day is like living in a painting in your neck of the woods
    Lily & Edward

  6. We do get some beautiful sunsets out here in the west!

    Your Pals,

    Murphy & Stanley

  7. There is something about a sunset that is breath taking!

  8. Stunning photos! I love the cloud formations in Colorado. There's nothing like that here, so I live vicariously through your pictures. :)

  9. Gorgeous! I hope to get to see a sunset from CO some day!

  10. Wow!! Those sunsets are gorgeous! I also love the doggie silhouette! :D

  11. WOWSA!!!! I don't thinks I've ever seen anything like that before! PAWSOME!! And the silhouette is amazin'...☺
    Ruby ♥

  12. Absolutely stunning pictures....that last one for sure! LOVE that!! Of course, I don't think there are very many on your blog that aren't absolutely awesome!! I have been trying to go back and look at your older posts as I am a bit behind in reading...never seems to be enough time. That Elk is something!! Hope all is well with you. I am enjoying your photos of the duo together...so cute!

  13. LOVE!!!! And I love John Denver - I sure miss him, his music was lenegdary. You live in a magical place, KB!

  14. Beautiful photos as always - good memory with the song.

  15. That is the most amazing cloud. So eerie the way it is looming like a ceiling. Stunning colours.


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