Wildlife footage: 2016-2018 (in progress)

Tuesday, October 7, 2014

The many looks of Shyla

I've had lots of time to contemplate the many faces of Shyla. Today, we took a break from our mountain bike ride to relax in the sun, and I took a series of photos of her as she lay on a boulder, and her face showed a bunch of different expressions.

A relaxed look with her face turned to the sun...
A relaxed glance at me...
Then, we both heard a loud sound from pretty far away, and she looked slightly worried. Her ears were back, and something about her eyes conveyed worry to me.
The sound became repeated gunshots from a commonly used "recreational shooting" spot, next to a trail, about a mile below us. She is peering in the direction of the shots.
The shooter finally took a break, at least for long enough to reload, and my girl could stop worrying about the loud noises. Now, she looked relaxed but ready to start running again.
I find it fun to try to figure out what Shyla's face is saying. Looking at her photos after the fact helps a lot. But I think that I'm constantly processing her expressions when we're in the moment.

Near end of our ride, Shyla looked very happy and relaxed after she'd been running continuously for a while. The autumn sunshine was divinely warm.
I was happy too! We had a super fun mountain bike ride on this precious Indian Summer day.


  1. she's very expressive. glad you're having good days together!

  2. She is so pretty! Zoe would of been freaking out hearing those gun shots!

  3. She's beautiful in whatever expression!


    Thank you so much for telling me about that site! I did as you suggested. Infuriating.

  4. I bet she reads your face even better than you read hers!

    Your Pals,

    Mayorz For All Paws

  5. I have always watched my dogs eyes because they communicate so many emotions as you noted. In the earlier photos you can really tell Shayla is very devoted to you.

  6. Love the last one - she looks so relaxed and happy :)

  7. She's so pretty and expressive! I love all her looks! We have a local marching band going past the house every morning before 8:00 and a certain Greyhound princess and I are both a bit annoyed at this point.

  8. We love looking at the many expressions of Shyla! And we can certainly see her mood change.
    You know your sweet girl- better than anyone,,, and we see her looking at you too!

  9. I, too , would be having a worried look if I heard gun shots, She is so gorgeous, so well done for your patience and much TLC for the year gone by. and more. Hugs,Jean. p.s. Spots Galore,( Jess's horse) Danielle and Jessica are in the same club, and did the equitation pair ride.

  10. I believe that ability to read each other's expressions, and understand them, is essential communication in the intense bond you have.

  11. I try not only to fully comprehend the dogs expressions but also explain to them that I am doing my best to understand that way they don't need to bark so loudly or as much! :)

  12. Howdy Mates, oh what wonderful photos of Shyla. We too would be worried if we heard gunshots. Take care mates. No worries, and love, Stella and Rory

  13. Mitch hates gunshot noises. He feels safest hiding in the bathroom. Your many faces are just beautiful, Shyla!

  14. Shyla, you are so beautiful from all angles, no matter what the look!!


  15. That beautiful Shyla face is absolutely adorable!

  16. Every picture tells a story. You do have lots of expressions Shyla. We like seeing your happy face when you wave
    Lily & Edward

  17. Soaking in the last bit of Autumn

  18. She's a very beautiful girl!

    Monty and Harlow

  19. Hope you have many more Indian summer days.

  20. I loves all your looks gurl!!! So purty!! I could looks at your face furevers
    Ruby ♥

  21. Hi Y'all!

    Ah, yes, we're much better at reading your body language than you are ours. Y'all depend so much on that thing you call talkin' that you miss the subtle "tells" the other party is giving you...the words and the body language often have entirely different meanings.

    Y'all come by now,
    Hawk aka BrownDog


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