Wildlife footage: 2016-2018 (in progress)

Friday, November 7, 2014

A Rocky Mountain Sunset

Clouds covered the sun during my morning bike ride with Shyla. A good game of fetch made us both smile despite the clouds and winter wind.
Briefly, in the afternoon, the sun came out, and one of the few remaining autumn leaves caught my eye - a wild geranium leaf. It looked so bright and flashy compared to the rest of the world, which is in winter-mode, that I had to admire it.
Today was my first day since last weekend that I didn't have a migraine. I felt so free and light, without the pounding in my head. It made me smile all day long. I never realize how much a certain pain is dragging me down until it vanishes. I am taking one day at a time, and so I simply enjoyed not having a migraine today.

I headed out for our sunset walk with an extra spring in my step. The Duo and I saw a gorgeous sunset. It looked like fire embers were floating above the Divide to the south of us.
The mountain that Shyla and I hiked a couple of times this summer had an orange cloud above it. I love how the snow reflected the sunset colors.
A little to the north, it looked as if a column of fire was rising from a peak.
I love Rocky Mountain sunsets. Watching one is the perfect way to end the day.
Happy Friday!


  1. wow! impressive skies! but i love that fly girl in the first shot. :)

  2. Wow, these shots are just stunning! Especially like the 3rd sunset shot- looks almost like a volcano ready to go off! Its so beautiful where you live - thanks so much for sharing it with us!

  3. I'm glad you're feeling better! Migraines suck. :( Those sunsets are stunning!

  4. WOW!! I actually got a pretty stunning sunset pic from my office window with my iPhone! LOL! One captures beauty where one finds it! Glad the pain has lifted!

  5. Beautiful sunsets.

    xo Cinnamon

  6. Wow - that sunset is just amazing!!! Good for a no-migraine day - hope you have many more ahead of you just like today.

  7. Beautifully awesome beyond my words, and your girl flying, gorgeous to the utmost. Jean

  8. Just gorgeous! Glad the head ache is gone.

  9. So glad you had another good day. And what could make you feel even better but that incredible sunset shared with the pups.

  10. We are so happy that you're feeling better, KB! Have fun with your Wubba, Shyla! Beautiful pictures ☺

  11. Wow, beautiful sunsets especially with the reflected light on the mountains.

    What a place which you call home!!!


  12. That first photo is so wonderful and that sky is really something!

  13. Mom has had a migraine on and off for a week. Ugh
    Lily & Edward

  14. Beautiful shots, we love ear flippage!

    Your Pals,

    Murphy & Stanley

  15. So very beautiful!! Your photos reflect your state of mind!! So glad you were migraine free!

  16. KB,, were so happy you had no pain for this wonderful day tat you are sharing with us, Were happy you had a kick in your step and you felt better! You captured the most beautiful of photos! And Shylas looks so happy to be with you, and for you to feel good! We love your mountains and sky and clouds!
    Thank you for always sharing.
    Sometimes we pretend that we are there with you.


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