Wildlife footage: 2016-2018 (in progress)

Thursday, November 20, 2014

Acrobatic Shyla plus Photo of a Mountain Lion Kitten

We had a quiet start to the day, heading out onto peaceful trails. No wind, pretty warm - we were both happy.

Shyla was in a zooming and acrobatic mood, almost scaring me with the way she was sprinting around on boulders.
That boulder is almost vertical but she came down it without hesitation.
Landing in a handstand!
She's at that age where I cannot imagine what she'll be like when she's older. She seems indestructible, performing leaps that seem impossible to me.

After I rode with Shyla, I headed to a faraway trail camera. I went to it yesterday to put new batteries in it. While I was there, a migraine started to come on. In my rush to get home before the symptoms got terrible, I left my keys next to the camera. So, today, I had to ride there again, to fetch my keys. In the process, I discovered that the new batteries must have been bad because the camera was already saying it had low batteries (after I replaced them yesterday). That means yet another trip to that spot...

As you can see, my wildlife photography ends up taking a lot of time and energy! But, it's worth it to me, when I peeks into the secret lives of mountain lions, like this one. This photo was at the end of a long play bout with Mom. She'd just walked off and the kitten lay there by himself.
I plan to make a video from all the footage, as soon as I have time. I think that glimpses of big fierce animals being playful are amazing!


  1. oh, shyla, protect that back and joints!

  2. I love the photos of Shyla on the boulders! They are so neat! The cougar is so cool! I love your wildlife photos!

  3. Shyla is a bit of daredevil:) But she sure looks confident!

  4. That was quite a leap! Thanks for taking the time and effort with your trail cameras and especially for sharing them with all of us.

  5. Shyla is so graceful and athletic! Her confidence zooms!!! Wouldn't it be so wonderful to have the joy and energy she is feeling?
    We love that you have those trail cam's too,, because you always share with us.

  6. Shyla looks like she could be performing a circus act! And I think your wildlife cameras are worth the work!

  7. Shyla looks gorgeous flying over that rock! I will join the thankers for the wild life photos, all of them are a joy to look at. One of my favorites was last summer's bears lolling around in a stream!

    Cheers and hugs,
    Jo, Stella and Zkhat

  8. Shyla looks gorgeous flying over that rock! I will join the thankers for the wild life photos, all of them are a joy to look at. One of my favorites was last summer's bears lolling around in a stream!

    Cheers and hugs,
    Jo, Stella and Zkhat

  9. How many people walk in the woods and never know about the secret world. Thanks for sharing it with us.

  10. Yes! I do think Shyla is a candidate for the circus! Her moves are amazing!! She loves it there in the mountains! Sure hope your migraine is better today...we all love sharing your trailcams with you!

  11. You are an amazing girl, Shyla! Love the photos, KB ♥

  12. Wow Shyla, did you eat Mexican jumping beans for breakfast? Please be careful up there, we don't want you to slip and fall.

    We always love your wildlife pictures. It's a whole other world for our eyes to see.

    Lily Belle & Muffin

  13. Shyla is a true athlete! Those pictures are amazing as her grace and agility!

    Love the mountain lion. What a beautiful creature!

  14. Shyla is so agile. I always wonder how dogs can do some of what they do.

  15. Wow, Shyla!

    I love the curve of that mountain lion - very Art Nouveau.

  16. Shyla is so very graceful!!

    Just love the curves of Mountain Lion kitten shot!

    Dory, Jakey, Arty & Bilbo

  17. Shyla *may* have been saying, "Look at what I can do when I'm not wearing those stupid SHOES!"
    Or maybe not.

  18. that looks like a large kitten! wow.

    your photos of your dogs are amazing. you really know how to capture action!

  19. Gosh Shula you are an agility expert
    Lily & Edward

  20. You girl lives in the moment. Hope you're feeling better.


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