Wildlife footage: 2016-2018 (in progress)

Thursday, November 27, 2014

Happy Thanksgiving!

It's Turkey Day in the US! Here's a wild turkey, in its natural habitat.
Today is also "Thanks Blogville" day, a concept that I would not have understood before I wrote my first post almost six years ago. I had no idea that my simple little posts would lead to such a wonderful network of friends as those I've found in Blogville.

Blogville is a group where we support each other through thick and thin. I became most aware of this back when my heart dog, K, was diagnosed with osteosarcoma on Christmas Eve, 2011. She lived with cancer for 7 months before her journey ended, leaving me with a shattered heart.

In retrospect, the months of K's illness were some of the toughest, yet most love-filled, ones of my life. I knew that K wouldn't live a long time, and we seized every single day to find happiness and love with her.
In addition, Blogville did so many things to keep our spirits burning strong during that tragic, yet poignant, journey. There was the huge surprise of a day of posts dedicated to K on Valentine's Day, 2012 (there's a link to those posts in the right sidebar). I woke up that morning to discover many beautiful posts supporting and honoring K. I smiled and I cried as I read posts about K from all over the globe. The theme of many of the posts was "The Power of the Paw", and many featured a photo of K's paws that I'd taken just before her bone cancer diagnosis.
Then, Blogville did even more. You sent me a gorgeous painting of K, by Kathleen Coy, that is always featured in the upper right corner of my blog. In our home, it hangs above K's bed (also given to us by our Blogville friends - I am still overwhelmed by your generosity). I look into K's eyes in that painting every single day. Kathleen truly captured K's loving spirit.
This photo shows K's spirit that you helped me to celebrate despite my sadness - a happy and loving girl who was ready to play fetch on the day after she'd had intensive radiation to kill the bone tumor in her front leg. She lifted me up out of my sorrow with her irrepressible happiness and hope.
Here was K almost 7 months later, with a close friend who I met through Blogville (yet another gift from Blogville). That friend helped us through the last few days of K's life. She helped me to laugh and helped K to be silly despite the fact that we knew that we were in the last few days of K's life.

After K's death, a young and very sensitive dog, Shyla, joined our family. Since then, you've been so supportive as I've navigated the difficult world of helping her learn to cope with her fears. Your words of wisdom helped me through many days when I felt lost.
The great news is that Shyla has come out of her shell and, although she is still very sensitive, she can cope with most of life. I believe that she's very happy now.

Shyla is a new spirit, a unique soul, and I've come to love her like crazy. So has R.
Thank you, Blogville. The spirit that you represent is generous and kind - and I am so grateful that we are part of this group.

Happy Thanksgiving Blogville! K taught me to try to be thankful for each and every day. Today is special because we all join together in that thankfulness.


  1. That was beautiful and brought tears to my eyes! Happy Thanksgiving!

    Your Pals,

    Murphy & Stanley

  2. Such a wonderful post. Happy Thanksgiving from all of us!

  3. Your whole family is full of beautiful souls and it's been a pleasure reading your words and admiring your beautiful photos! Happy thanksgiving. :)

  4. Happy Thanksgiving Romping and Rolling,
    R, Shyla, KB, and the Runner.
    Our hearts were broken for you too the day K passed. Now Shyla has brought back the Happy Crazy Love we feel when we visit. Sometimes there are no words to express......
    Just a happy Crazy Love we feel when visiting here.
    Lest I forget to mention the wildlife and photography somehow brings us closer to nature.
    It is a honor to say you are a friend of ours.
    xo Cinnamon & Linda

  5. What a beautiful post we are always happy to hear such success stories.
    Happy Thanksgiving,
    madi and mom

  6. What beautiful pictures! Happy Thanksgiving and thanks for being part of Blogville!

    Braeden, Seth and Riley

  7. We're still wiping away the tears. We feel so very fortunate to have you and Shyla and R as our treasured friends, KB ♥

  8. Happy Thanksgiving to you! We love your photos.
    Marley & Lady

  9. Hi Y'all!

    What a beautiful post!

    Have a wonderful Thanksgiving and weekend!

    Y'all come on by,
    Hawk aka BrownDog

  10. Blogville has helped us enjoy the moment and not worry about the big problems.....

  11. That was so beautiful! We wish all of you a happy Thanksgiving!

  12. Happy Thanksgiving! We're honored to call you a friend.

  13. This is such a heartwarming post and so touching. All of you are pretty special to all of us and all of Blogville.

    Wishing you a very Hap-Pee Thanksgiving and lots of turkey!


  14. Happy Thanksgiving and Thanks-Blogville Day to you too.


  15. We have been part of your journey for a long time now.
    Sitting beside a friend through sad and happy times, is part of love.
    We loved Angel K too,,,
    And we love your daughter of the mountains- Shyla ,, and R...
    Thank you for sharing your world with us,
    Happy Thanksgiving,

  16. This brought tears. Happy Thanksgiving.

  17. Thanks for yet another beautiful & poignant reminder of all that we in Blogville have to be thankful for this year :) Happy Thanksgiving to all!

  18. This is a beautiful post. I truly understand how Blogville helps us get through those times of loss and heartbreak. I'm lucky to call you friend! I hope you had a wonderful Thanksgiving!

  19. We wish we would have been lucky enough to know K, but we are so thankful to be witness to your journey with Shyla
    Mr Bailey & Hazel

  20. OMD, that was such a beautiful postie!!! I never knew K, butts I have learned so much about her through the stories and the pictures here on your bloggie and from others comments...such a special soul.
    I am so glad to call you all our furiends, and I am so glads that Blogville has special peeps and furries like you in it. Blogville is pawsome indeed!!!
    Ruby ♥
    pees: LOVES that pic of Shyla and R!!!


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