Wildlife footage: 2016-2018 (in progress)

Monday, November 17, 2014

I told you so!

I think that winter is here to stay. Shyla does too.
Indeed, this morning, I think she might have been ready to reverse her decision to reject boots and wear them! Sadly, I didn't have them with me. She started out fine.
Then she waved at me, tossing some snow into the air at the same time.
Then, as she started to put her paw back down into the freezing snow, she had second thoughts.
And she decided to adopt this pose.
I took it as a sign that we needed to get moving. Indeed, that worked. As long as Shyla was in perpetual motion, her paws were fine.
We had a fun ride, full of quiet and snowy trails. Shyla even ignored a herd of about six deer that pronked away from us at the start of the ride. I almost fell off my bike in utter surprise at the fact that my teenage dog has reverted to her former good behavior!!! Believe me, she won a huge jackpot of treats for being so good.
Her look seems to say "I told you that I could do it!". I love this girl more every day!


  1. We noticed no boots yesterday - bet she will be less reluctant to wear them now. You know - we love that girl too:)

  2. she's so sweet. stay warm out there!

  3. Your posts always warm my heart. They even make me miss snow just a tiny bit!! Stay warm.

  4. We got snow here in Texas last night, not much just a dusting. Mom said it's been 20 yrs. since the last time we had snow in November.

    Aroo to you,

  5. That's great that you can trust her again. She's gorgeous!

  6. These photos of beautiful Shyla are particularly stunning—and what a good girl!

  7. Although she would have rather not had them on, Greta seemed to realize that the boots allowed her to stay outside longer when the weather was so cold, maybe Shyla is figuring it out too. we are setting records here for cold temps
    How great to hear Shyla earned a jackpot!
    Mr Bailey & Hazel

  8. Way to go, Shyla! You are one good girl!

  9. That last photo is so funny - Shyla is just full of personality. What a great dog she is.

  10. That sweet face always, always makes us smile!

  11. It looks like you are prepared for winter. We love when you say hi
    Lily & Edward

  12. Shyla we came by to welcome you to The Doods Cabinet! Your new pawsition is most impawtant
    Hugs madi your bfff

  13. I can understand why you love her more everyday too. What a sweetie.

  14. It's totally cold here, too! It's great! Our mom just ordered something called Musher's Secret for our feety-feet. The Thundering Herd's dad told her about it. It's supposed to protect our paws from cold and chemicals and stuff.
    Yours sincerely,
    Margaret Thatcher

  15. I always tell mom that we don't get as cold as her! We love that you can get pics of Shyla's waves. Mom can't get mine cuz I wave too fast!

    Your Pals,

    Murphy & Stanley

  16. I think the jack pot of treats would need to be tiny pieces of a steak or something! Maybe you not picky Shyla.

  17. That's pretty impressive, my dogs would never back off deer.

    She's a really beautiful girl.


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