Wildlife footage: 2016-2018 (in progress)

Tuesday, November 25, 2014

Our Black Dog

R is able to act so crazy and loud. When he's excited, he likes to talk - or shout - about it
But he is also also very serious, especially when he's out on evening hikes with just me and Shyla. He likes to keep watch over us girls in that situation.
 He is always scanning the world around him on those hikes.
Most of the time, when he's at home with the pack, he's a mellow dog but people who know him in other contexts might not believe it. This is what he does most days, in between runs, hikes, and meals.
The life of luxury...


  1. We thought you were singing. You are a good boy watching mom and sissy
    Lily & Edward

  2. That's mostly what mine do as well. I read a post where they said you shouldn't have a dog if you aren't home with it all day. But on the days I am home, they mostly sleep. :-)

    He's very handsome.

  3. Happy Crazy Love for R and Shyla.
    We need to hear R sing for us.

    xo Cinnamon
    Happy Thanksgiving.

  4. He is a real good boy. That is what I tell our gussie when he watches over us also.
    stella rose

  5. You are one handsome boy, R! You look like you're singing in the first photo ☺

  6. SO serious in that second shot! Mom wants to get you one of those little doggie bow-ties like Pip used to have. It would look stunning with your black furs!!


  7. I like that he watches over his Girls!
    Mr Bailey & Hazel

  8. R seems to know when he is off duty. Such a handsome boy.

  9. I think R really does think he is watching out for you and Shyla. He is so alert- and beautiful! Shyla's big brother!

  10. It's nice to know that somebody is watching out for you, isn't it? I love seeing all the different sides of R!

  11. I'm in love with him! Especially those serious looks.

  12. You're a good boy R! Watching over the ladies, having fun, playing, relaxing, goofing off, singing, etc. And... that little hint of gray makes you look very distinguished!!

    Lily Belle & Muffin

  13. The first picture of R barking with excitement - I can almost hear him! Then he's all business…and then sleeping so sweetly. What a great dog.

  14. He needs his rest. All the protecting can be tiresome.

  15. A good big brother & protector. And a handsome boy. Happy Thanksgiving!

  16. We love R! I'd love to hear him shout out to the world!!

    Have a Happy Thanksgiving, from our paws to yours.

  17. Hi Y'all!

    R,I fully understand the talkin' and hollerin'. Most of the time my Humans aren't too happy about my verbal expression.

    Y'all come on by,
    Hawk aka BrownDog


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