Wildlife footage: 2016-2018 (in progress)

Friday, November 14, 2014

See Beautiful

It's "See Beautiful" Friday, hosted by our friend Sugar, and I am struggling with writing a post. It can be hard to find the beauty in life when you have a migraine. But, as I stop and think about it, I am so grateful to be living the mountain life, observing the wildlife and playing in the forest with my dogs. This life makes me happy, even during the tough times.

Today, before the migraine set in, I rode my snow bike to visit a black bear trail. I know from past years that the big male black bears usually pass through this area when they're ready to find a den.

Here's a big male bear sniffing a bear tree on his way to slopes that hold lots of dens.
He decided to rub his enormous butt against the tree to mark it. I'm guessing he didn't have the energy to do a full bipedal marking on that -11°F morning.
My camera, which another animal had earlier knocked askew, captured his image a little further along the path. Look at how frosty he is!
Thank goodness for his very thick layer of fat and luxurious coat.
It makes me smile that we live in a place where such wild animals can flourish. They amaze me with their ability to survive the tough conditions here. I think that the wildlife, particularly the bears and mountain lions, are the most beautiful wild inhabitants of our forests.

Another beautiful part of my life is this girl, Shyla. After some struggles with her teenaged boundary-testing this summer and autumn, we've found an equilibrium that I think we're both happy with. I feel as if we've become even closer since going through that phase together.
By the end of K's life, I'd forgotten how a bond between a human and a dog grows with each year and each shared adventure. I've been reminded of that by my life with Shyla.
We are growing together and having so much fun in our mountain world.
Our bond is beautiful to me. I feel like I have another heart dog (and I know how lucky I am to feel that way). Shyla is very different from K but she's the dog for me in this phase of my life.


  1. I am so sorry about your migraines. :(

    Those bear pictures are so neat! Shyla is gorgeous!! I totally agree about the bond. Great post!

  2. Beautiful post KB. Even in the midst of a migraine to be able to be thankful for the beauty in your life is indeed the blessings you receive from living and see beautiful,

  3. I admire you for seeing the beauty over the pain that I know you're feeling.

    And heart dogs do have a way of finding their way to us when our hearts are ready for them -- However, one of mine in particular came totally unexpectedly, and just as it has been with Shyla, you (and I) are never the same because of them.

    Take care, and I hope you feel better!

  4. I so love hearing about the bond growing between you and Shyla. That is what I miss so much - the bond that Greta and I shared and knowing it would have only grown stronger over time.
    Bailey & Hazel

  5. hope that big bear finds shelter, soon!


  6. Your caring and sensitive voice comes through in this post. Your concern for the bear is beautiful as is your observing the nuances of your relationship with your dog Shyla. Thanks for this.

    from Matildasjourney.com

  7. It is beautiful indeed. The photographs and your courage to carry on through the pain. Have a great weekend.

  8. Wow, that bear is amazing. Even he looks cold though.

  9. We always see beautiful through your posts...hope your head feels better soon!

  10. So sorry you are suffering from migraines...your post is beautiful...and love the pics of Shyla...just stunning.

  11. I had hoped those dreaded headaches might have been less and less, but after that start, what superb photos, looks like you have a huge drop of snow, and Shyla so enjoys it, I'll leave you to love your bears, they sort of scare me. But beautiful in their huge lumbering walk. Take care, hugs from Jean.

  12. I never noticed that your trail cameras record the temp - and what a temperature drop! Yikes. I know you probably have all sorts of high-tech clothing for your biking adventures, but let me know if you'd like a custom handknit scarf or mitts or cowl or something. Really. My pleasure. A small "thank you" for all the wonderful images you share.

    Since you mentioned thinking about putting something like my goatcam outside your home, I've been thinking about adding a trailcam to my collection. Although I do occasionally catch sight of a critter passing through (or a bear on my porch), the variety of tracks I see after a fresh snowfall are a clue to how much goes on unseen all around me. Might be fun to point a trailcam into the woods behind my house...according to Piper, there's a lot of exciting stuff going on just over the stone wall. :)

  13. Thanks so much for sharing the bear pics! I just love them!

    I hope that you're feeling better soon. Migraines are awful.

  14. A very beautiful post KB!
    Were sorry you have that terrible migraine again. Again you have shared your beautiful girl with us, and your bears, and snow- your own world,, and were so grateful you share it with us.
    We see that bond in you and Shyla- its very noticeable. And it always noticeable that Angel K is there too.
    ps- we hope you feel better soon.

  15. We think Shyla is the perfect dog for you, too.

    That bear blends perfectly with the background. Just a quick glance and you wouldn't really notice him.

  16. It is the wise who understand that, as we walk through life, we find ourselves sharing its joys with different souls and in different ways, even if we miss the sameness that people so often crave!

  17. You live in the most beautiful spot, KB! We can feel the love between you and Shyla ♥

  18. This is a very Beautiful post!! I sure do hope that our migraine is better...you have a LOT of snow right now!! That bear sure does look well fed and ready to hibernate...he is BIG!

  19. We sure hope those migraines go away soon. That snow bear is very impressive! Howdy pretty Shyla!

  20. Did you go out in that cold to collect those bear pics? He's a beauty! Love what you said about having a second heart dog.

  21. Beautiful pics. Yes, Shyla is a blessing!! I wonder if you had the same sky we had last night. It was beautiful with extra colors. Didn't have my camera with me. rats!

    Your Pals,

    Murphy & Stanley

  22. I think we bond with each of our dogs, but each relationship is also unique. That's good!

    Hope your migraine goes away ASAP!

  23. Oh, the nasty my-grains!!! Oh noes. Yups, Ma's are showin' their ugly head too...pffft! Sendin' POTP! ♥
    Oh, Ma says she is in LOVES with that Bear!! OMD, what a huge dude!
    Shyla, you are as BEAUTIFUL as always gurl! Oh, and I wants your Kong toy! BOL
    Ruby ♥
    pees: if you wants to borrow some of my furs to keep you warm, I'm gettin' a furcut Wednesday, and can send you the clippings! BOL

  24. I got interrupted before I could post a comment yesterday. I was going to say I'm sorry about the migraines but am happy about everything else. I'm glad you were feeling better today and had such a good time out in the snow. :)


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