Wildlife footage: 2016-2018 (in progress)

Sunday, December 21, 2014

Happy Starry Winter Solstice!

Happy Winter Solstice. It feels like such a symbolic milestone every year. Now, minute by minute, our days will get longer. The "evening" hike that I take every day with the Duo will get closer to actually being in the "evening"!
While we were in the desert in late November, I took a lot of star photos, partly because the nights were so long. The sky was dark enough to photograph the stars starting at about 6:30 PM!

One of my favorite places to gaze at the sky is K's Rock. Its distinctive shape and red color make a wonderful foreground for the stars. To visualize the stars' movement, I took a series of exposures over more than 2 hours. I made a time lapse video, if you'd like to see how the stars spun over time (actually, the Earth was spinning, but that's not how it looks when you are on Earth!). 

You can watch either here or at Youtube.

This was the final photo, after I stacked together all of the exposures. I love how the North Star barely peeks over K's Rock.
Happy Starry Sunday and Winter Solstice to you!


  1. Happy solstice! I am very excited that our days will start to get longer now!

  2. Happy Solstice to you! I agree with TexWisGirl - the pastels are so pretty!

  3. We could only dream of that kind of beauty around these parts.

  4. KB, this is just so amazing! I have never had the opportunity to be in the desert like this so seeing your works just makes me want to really do it sometime. On an unrelated topic, re: doggy boots ~ what is the brand name of Shyla's booties that she wore on a previous post. Sophie may need new one's this year and they look very sturdy. Ron

  5. The time-lapse thing is gorgeous - I've never seen one of star trails before! Excellent way to mark the Solstice. So glad we're here!

  6. Those photos are always so beautiful!

    Monty and Harlow

  7. Oh my! That is so beautiful! Thank you so much for sharing that beauty. We are all looking forward to longer days :0)

  8. We are looking forward to the days getting longer too!
    Mr Bailey & Hazel

  9. We love your photos so much! Happy Solstice to you!

  10. Happy Solstice!! Just love your star trails video(s)!

  11. Happy Solstice!!! I'm so looking forward to some longer days! :D I love the star pictures!!

  12. Superb time-lapse, the light changing, and K's Rock there, thank you from my heart for sharing so much with us. Christmas greetings to you all, may the season treat you with love, laughter, happiness and better health. Hugs from Jean

  13. We absolutely love your blog! It is always so beautiful, KB ♥

  14. We are having a very dark solstice here in the desert. I have been experimenting with star photos, not trails, just points of light. I haven't nailed it yet. LOL

  15. I always rejoice in the winter solstice, knowing the days begin to lengthen little by little. Hallelujah!


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