Wildlife footage: 2016-2018 (in progress)

Monday, December 1, 2014

Our Getaway

We made a get-away last week to the Utah desert, wanting to feel warm sun on our faces and dirt under our feet for a brief time before a long winter.

I adore the sight of red rock and a deep blue sky.
I love the sight of my sweet chocolate Shyla's fur in the desert sunset light with a backdrop of red rock.
And I love the twinkle in R's eyes when he's so very happy!
We departed early on our trip due to a big winter storm system that might have made traveling over the Divide to get to Utah very treacherous. We didn't arrive at our campsite until around midnight. The trip left me exhausted and left my spine in agony.

But, when we stepped out of the LabMobile, and I saw the gazillion stars twinkling in the dark sky, I was suddenly possessed with energy that even overrode my spine pain. The sight of so many twinkling stars in the dark desert sky was inspiring!
I made a short time lapse video of the stars spinning around the North Star over the course of about 5 hours (while we slept). Over that time, my camera took 77 exposures of 4 minutes each, and then I used software to stack them together into a video and a final photo. You can watch it here or at Youtube.

Here was the final photo after five hours. There were so many stars spinning in the sky over our heads that the dark sky was barely visible!
I'm afraid that I won't be able to refrain from telling you about our trip in upcoming posts!


  1. I love seeing all of you in the desert almost as much as in the snow. I'm eager to hear more about the trip.

  2. That picture of R is really so precious. His whole personality and spirit shine through.

    Love the warmth in the first picture. I can almost feel the sunshine.

  3. Love the star video. The north star is visible right at the end of our driveway, so when I walk the dogs up each night we see it. It's so fun to watch the big dipper circle around it over the course of time.

  4. I'm so glad you had a chance to do it!

  5. What a gift it is, that you shared this with us!! Magnificent!!
    We are so happy you all went to where Mother Earth could touch you!
    Thank you so much

  6. The last photo looks like blown glass.

    Naturally, we're the opposite here, we have a very short winter--which SHE loves--and a long summer.

    But, we have a beautiful view of the stars all year round. HER relatives from the Washington DC area are always amazed at how clear the sky is out here. Looks like you enjoy the same beautiful canvas.

  7. superb desert photos, Shyla, R, and star trails in time lapse, superber!! if possible. ( is that a real word?) Maybe " more superb" is correct grammatically, Jean.

  8. One of my very favorite "get-a-ways" and especially that sky jammed with stars!



  9. Love the time lapse photo. It's fabulous! We can't wait to hear more about your trip, KB!

  10. What a joy it is for us to view the stars spinning in the sky thanks to your photography. That is something some of us don't get to see. Glad to hear your spine wasn't giving you to much pain. R and Shyla sure love the mountains of Utah.
    xo Cinnamon

  11. The shades of blue in that final picture are gorgeous!

  12. just amazing star masses to create their own 'lp' like that!

  13. Bravo! More glorious photos!! Sometimes the world amazes me.


  14. We have never seen stars so beautiful before...just beautiful. stella rose

  15. We love your trips to the desert adn cant wait to read more.....

  16. So beautiful in the desert. You better soak in all that sun
    Lily & Edward

  17. Oh gosh, please don't hold back one bit - we always love sharing your adventures and your beautiful photos!!! Amazing shots of the starry skies.

  18. Can't wait to hear more about your trip!

    I can see why so many people flock to the West during the winter! When I was younger I always wanted to be near the snow - now that I am slightly more aged, I really appreciate our "winters" here in Arizona.

  19. And we had some really nice weather for you too! Great shots!

    Your Pals,

    Murphy & Stanley


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