Wildlife footage: 2016-2018 (in progress)

Monday, December 8, 2014

Sunrise Resolution

I may still do another post about our desert trip but I need to finish looking through my photos of it.

In the meantime, we are home, and it's the toughest time of the year for me. It feels as if the daylight passes in the blink of an eye, and there's no light at the end of the tunnel yet. So, I made a resolution to be outside at sunrise time every day that I possibly can be. I adore the light at sunrise and the utter quiet of the forest. I made this same resolution last year, and it helped me through until the days started getting longer.

This is the kind of light that I adore. Shyla glowed red in the first rays of the sunrise.
Shortly after sunrise the other day, I was taking photos of Shyla and her shadow in the sunrise light.
And, out of the blue, she started making very funny faces.
It looks like she bit into a lemon.
Notice how she kept her eyes firmly on me as she went though her contortions. What a model!
Ah, the culprit is visible. Shyla had somehow gotten a pine needle in her mouth.
It really didn't taste good.
She made another attempt to get rid of it.
Hmm, now her tongue looks clear.
And, without skipping a beat, she looked at me like a normal dog who hadn't just made one of the funnier series of faces I've seen!
I love sharing sunrise with Shyla.
It sets me up to be happy all day long.


  1. She's so funny! I also hate these dark days. It's better now that I'm not enclosed in a windowless room all day. I used to drive to and from work in the dark at this time of year. Now I get outside every day, like you, and it does help. I was just thinking the other day that it will be Dec. 21 soon and the days will start to lengthen again.

  2. If only I had your resolve. I just can't leave the cocoon of my blankets. I have a new Granddog! An 8 week old black Lab - Flower.

  3. Shyla is so cute! I love all her funny faces!!

    I have a hard time with all the darkness of winter, too! Hopefully it will be over with soon! :)

  4. Still laughing about those faces! Really made our evening! Thank you, Shyla!

  5. Oh my gosh, that wrinkled "snoot" really cracked me up! What a funny series of expressions :)
    I surely do know what you mean about the short daylight; these days, evening chores seem to come very soon after morning chores! And I just learned that we've got a couple of days of snow/freezing rain predicted, starting tonight, so even the daylight may be pretty gloomy for a while. All the more reason to bask in the sunrise whenever possible!

  6. Thanks for the laughs! In just a few weeks we will have reached the longest darkness and the days will become lighter. In milliseconds at a time but the idea is still soothing.

  7. She looks a little like Puddles in some of these photos! I love your sunrise resolution

  8. Hahaha those faces. What a crack up.

  9. I love that lemon face! BOL

    Aroo to you,

  10. HA! Shyla, you made me and mom giggle! I get stuff stuck in my mouth too. You know, your mom coulda helped you get that nasty pine needle out. Watching you get it out was much funnier though!

  11. Thanks for making us laugh - Shyla is a character!!! And a beautiful one at that.

  12. What a great and humorous series. Who would think that one little pine needle could cause all that?

  13. You have perfect expressions, BOL. We are not a fan of a little light either
    Lily & Edward

  14. Ahh, who wouldn't love sharing anytime of day with that cutie.

  15. Shyla has the most beautiful eyes!!!
    And she knows how to make us smile!
    Enjoy those early mornings KB,, I think the mornings are a gift to you.

  16. How funny! I'm glad she managed to get it out by herself.

  17. She is the sweetest KB :):) Looks like her eye is better too, thank goodness. I think sunrise is my favorite time of day - it must be amazing where you live. It is when I feel closest to God - and I imagine my son looking down on me, bathing me in that first ray of sun. So much hope!

    xxxxooo - Diane and Indy

  18. I don't know why word verification is turned on here and also on other blogs. I definitely have it turned off in the settings.


  19. I just discovered that embedding the comment form in the post made word verification go away. Yipee!

  20. It isn't long until we will start getting the light back, moment by increasing moment :)

  21. LOL. She does look like she bit a lemon or something. I suppose a pine needle would be rather yucky.

  22. You have us laughing out loud here, Shyla ☺

  23. Shyla has many talents BOL!

    Your Pals,

    Murphy & Stanley

    PS - To get a good explanation of what is going on with the Blogger Word verification thing, and how to get around it, check out Auntie YAM's post: http://inimaynaelcammeno.blogspot.com/

  24. I used to love sunrise hikes...until Mabel got older and I feared her penchant for waking coyotes would create trouble for us. Macy is so much smaller, I don't really enjoy hiking without company.


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