Wildlife footage: 2016-2018 (in progress)

Thursday, January 1, 2015

New Year's Fun and New Bike!

We greeted 2015 with a sunrise snow bike ride. Shyla gazed over our world with clear eyes. Trying to be out in the mountains for sunrise on New Year's Day has become a tradition for Shyla and me.
Then, after the sun rose, we got silly. Shyla imitated the flying nun!
And, she threw snow into the air like the fake glitter that people throw at midnight on New Year's.
We had a fabulous ride. My new snow bike's performance is jaw-dropping. It is so good at floating through loose powder while staying stable no matter what it encounters. I'll write more about it later but here's a photo of my beautiful Meriwether snow bike. I think that this frame builder has the best design for snow bikes nailed. And I am so lucky to be riding one!
Happy New Year!


  1. Happy New Year! Glad you like the bike!

  2. Happy New Year!! <3 I love the photo of Shyla with her flying ears!! :D The new bike looks sweet!! :D

  3. That's fantastic that the new bike is such a success....you'll have all winter to enjoy it!

    Love Shyla's rotor ears.

  4. great new start! glad you love your bike!

  5. Those photos of Shyla are wonderful! Hey, nice ride!!!

  6. A perfect way to start to your new year! I wish everyone at your house all the very best and good health for 2015!!

    Happy New Year!!

  7. Ooooh...nice bike! And it even has it's own coat on.. :)

    Shyla, you made me laugh at your Flying Nun picture!

    Wishing you a very Hap-Pee New Year full of fun, good health, happiness, treats, and lots of cuddles!

  8. That bike is beautiful! I'm glad you had sunny day for your ride!

  9. I loved the picture of the flying nun! Made me laugh out loud! And I looooove seeing your beautiful swan all dressed in warm clothes :D I can't wait for my red swan to be ready to roll in the snow! We will have to connect next winter with our fun beautiful bikes :) Happy New Year to you and the family :)

  10. We wanna see it in action! And Shyla does a good Flying Nun! Happy New Year!

    Murphy & Stanley

  11. Every girl's dream: a new bike for Christmas!! It's a beaut!

  12. Glad to hear your new bike lived up to your expectations of it.

  13. The new bike sounds and looks awesome!
    Mr Bailey & Hazel

  14. Wheeeeeeeeeeeee!
    Got to love a new blue bike! SO glad it has arrived and you are pleased with it!
    Shyla's Flying Nun made me laugh :)

  15. Oh, my goodness, are you ever lucky! I've seen a few fat tire bikes in Waterton in snow, and they make me drool! This is wonderful, and looks like your hands are going to be toasty warm too! I, too, love Shyla's Flying Nun!

  16. Happy New Year friends
    Lily & Edward

  17. Shyla looks soo happy! And we know you are with that new bike!

  18. We love your snow glitter, Shyla! Enjoy your new bike, KB. It's a beauty!

  19. Fun! What do you need to do to the bike to keep it from getting rusty/damaged from the snow?

    Monty and Harlow

  20. Shayla's life is so different from us pugs....for one thing the first time we would step off into the snow to run, you would find us buried down deep....sigh......stella rose

  21. Stunning pictures as always! You make snow-biking sound like so much fun, even to someone who isn't in to winter sports!

  22. We LOVE the Flying Nun photo!!! And my mom loves your bike!

  23. That bike is gorgeous!! Ride it in good health!!
    Dory, Jakey, Arty & Bilbo

  24. Yay! I'm happy about your new bike, and I especially love the flying nun picture!


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