Wildlife footage: 2016-2018 (in progress)

Monday, January 12, 2015

Wildlife Studies for Blogville

The new Mayors of Blogville, Murphy and Stanley, have asked Shyla to serve as Director of Wildlife Studies. She was so honored to be asked and accepted this position!
In her role, Shyla hopes to help everyone to learn more about wildlife and how dogs/humans can coexist with the wild animals.

We have lots of experience with this. We have a bobcat who walks past our house, within about 10 yards of it, several times per week.
Unlike us, the wildlife have to live outdoors, regardless of the conditions. That's why we try so hard not to let our dogs make the wild animals' lives any harder by chasing them or bothering them.
We think that dogs, humans, and the wildlife can co-exist, so long as the humans work hard to keep their dogs under control around wildlife. On many occasions, our trail cameras have picked up photos of dogs who are allowed to roam unsupervised. The next photo is of a pair of dogs that my cameras have been picking up all over the forest. We've been told that these dogs have survived their travels just fine - which is a big relief. We also hope that no wildlife have been hurt by them.
We had a few years, before Shyla was born, when we found the remains of multiple dogs out in the forest near our house. One was a definite mountain lion kill. We knew that particular dog quite well but his humans persisted in letting him roam despite our pleas for his safety. After he was killed, various parts of his body kept showing up on forest paths, and it was so upsetting to us. He was a HUGE malamute mix - and a true sweetheart.

We adore that we have wild kitties that live in our area even though they pose a threat to unsupervised dogs and domestic cats. Here's one of the biggest and most muscular male mountain lions my trail cameras have ever photographed in our forest. Most of these big cats live in the forest away from homes, and no one ever sees them in person.
Last, but certainly not least, we have bears in our area, like many of you do also. The bears are my favorite animals. Many people are afraid of them. While I think it's good to be cautious around them, attacks by black bears are far more rare than the media would lead you to believe.

Shyla and I had one close encounter with a mother bear and her cub this summer. You can read about it in this post. Since Shyla is now in a position where she should give advice about this kind of thing, the bottom line is do not panic, leash your dog, talk calmly to the bear(s), and depart the scene calmly and confidently. Choose a departure route that does not come between the mother and her cub.

We did all those things when we met the mother and her cub, and I even got one photo of the cub who was about 15' up in a tree. He's a handsome dude, don't you think? It was one of our most memorable days this summer.
So, as Director of Wildlife Studies, Shyla will tell you about our adventures with the wildlife in our area, and we'll try to help you to understand the lives of the wildlife a little better, including how to act if you are lucky enough to meet them face-to-face!

We are so honored that the new Mayors of Blogville have asked Shyla to fill this important post in their administration! Thanks!

P.S. We are sorry that this post is so late, but our internet stopped working today!


  1. WOW! Shyla is purrfect for that job and she has the first paw experience!

  2. We love the glimpses of wildlife you share with us. We work hard to live with nature. Zaphod has chased a few deer, both have chased the wild turkeys (only on our property) and yes, Hailey got that groundhog this year (and since has not been allowed off leash at all), but we do our best to keep them safe and our fellow creatures safe. I can't imagine how terrible finding that dogs remains must have been. It sounds like it was preventable. Sigh.

  3. Brilliant! What a great idea for Blogville! I love it and can't wait for more dispatches from the Director of Wildlife. The bear cub photo is just incredible. And the bobcat - it must be amazing to find the paw prints in the snow within yards of your door.

  4. This is the perfect position for Shyla. We all are going to learn so much.

  5. you definitely have many more active predators than we do in our region. about the toughest we deal with are coyote packs and packs of free dogs.

  6. KB, firstly thank you for the positive thoughts you are sending my way-I appreciate them!
    I love Shylas new job and think it fits you perfectly; of course I'm so happy to see these animals close up on your blog and not in person. Stay warm friends!

  7. Love the bear cub photo. I can imagine how awesome it was to see that one on your computer screen so clear and expressive. And great photo of Shyla being all official in her hat!

  8. Congratulations to Shyla on her new position. The mayor couldn't have made a better choice. She is perfect for it!

  9. Yay!!! Shyla is just perfect for this position!

  10. Shyla is perfect for the position--and she has her own trained staff as well.

  11. Such an excellent lesson Shyla! You were clearly the best doggie for this job! Oh, and that cub picture is very cute!

    Your Mayorz,

    Murphy & Stanley

  12. We always love reading about your wildlife adventures. Thanks for taking us along.

  13. Perfect Post and perfect position for you and Shyla

  14. We don't often see roaming dogs (without their people) on our back trails. People who live here are aware of the wildlife and protect their dogs (and the wild animals) by either keeping them on leads or training them to stay close on the trails. Congratulations to Shyla on her new position! What a great cub photo!

  15. Beautiful pictures from the trail cameras and the bear cub picture is adorable! I saw my first bobcat ever here in Ohio (rare for this area of Ohio) and it was amazing! I'm glad our dogs don't have too many predator threats here, mainly just coyotes.

  16. I love the bobcat, how awesome. It amazes me that people high in the mountains where you are, are stupid enough to let dogs run loose.

  17. Congratulations, Shyla!! She looks so cute in that hat! I think it's really sad that people let their dogs roam free. When we lived at the inlaws, I had to stop walking my dogs in certain areas of the neighborhood because people just let their dogs out. At the inlaws, even though it was a neighborhood, it was in the Sierra Nevada Mountains and they have mountain lions, black bear and coyotes right in the neighborhood! We saw the coyotes more than anything, though.

    I love your wildlife photos!! That bear cub is adorable!

  18. Talk about the perfect fit!! We are so happy that Blogville has created this new office and even happier that Shyla is heading it up!!
    Dory, Jakey, Arty & Bilbo

  19. Guess what, Shyla! We saw 4 deer on the hill behind our house today! They were so beautiful! There was a buck and. Doe and two fawns and they were just hanging out eating the new grass that's growing since our rain. We were very quiet and just watched them. It was so cool!


  20. This is a wonderful appointment, and Shyla, your secretary is having lots of typing to keep up the minutes for distribution each day. Down here, Mayors have what is called " Mayoral Chain " links that may have the names of previous mayors, and a council's crest as well. So I am waiting to see you suitable adorned. And, look at that bobcat, definitely my favourite of all your wildlife. Hugs for your new position, love that hat too.

  21. Congratulations, Shyla! You are the perfect choice for this job! What a cutiepie that cub is!

  22. Crikey Shyla ...... I'm so glad you're in charge of the wildlife. I can't wait to learn more. You saw a BEAR up close and personal and survived. Struth you must know heaps about wildlife, aye???

  23. oh my gosh that bear amazing!

    retro rover

  24. Oh my gosh, that bear picture is amazing! It's like I was looking right into the eyes of that beautiful creature.

    How awful for that dog that was killed by the mountain lion. I've never understood people who let their dogs or cats roam free. We obviously don't have the same kind of wildlife as you (do have a few coyotes that pass through), but we are right off a busy road. There are a few people on our block who let their dogs run around off leash and it just seems like a matter of time before something horrible happens.

  25. Wow, fabulous pictures. That mountain lion looks SO powerful. Gorgeous. And that bear! Amazing shot! So sad about the people who let their dog roam. Ugh. Even though we live in "the big city" San Diego is on a canyon system so we have pretty good amount of wildlife seen in the 'burbs. We used to have a bobcat that would cruise by once in a while and coyotes are really common. It's risky even to let your cat be an outdoor cat here!

  26. Oh, what a great addition to Blogville! We'll learn a lot from you for sure, Shyla!
    Our mom LOVES that bear shot!

  27. I love the wild animals. I definitely wouldn't let my pups roam around freely. How sad.

    Monty and Harlow

  28. I agree that we should all be able to co-exist with wild animals so I think this position of Shyla's is an excellent addition to the Blogville Administration!

  29. Hari OM
    Just wonderful... Glad to meet you Shyla and 'help' and looking forward to reading your adventures and advices. Hugs and wags, YAM-aunty xxx (OoWaC)

  30. You are surely one with experience and expertise
    Lily & Edward

  31. Love that bear picture. I know Shyla will do great in her new position!

  32. This is the perfect pawsition for you! I have always loved reading of your adventures and will continue to do so!

  33. Congrats, Shyla! The perfect role for you!

  34. Oh my goodness! I can only dream of seeing these beautiful creatures out in the wild! We get a thousand foxes, the odd badger and maybe a mole every now and again - but nothing like this! I'm really looking forward to seeing more!

  35. I've always feared meeting a bear! Looking forward to your posts for Blogville


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