Wildlife footage: 2016-2018 (in progress)

Tuesday, February 3, 2015

A Peaceful Day in the Forest

I have to admit that after yesterday's experience, I headed into the forest cautiously this morning.
No moose were right by our house to greet us, thank goodness, so we could be mellow at sunrise.
While we playing, I asked Shyla to do a trick that I taught her long ago but haven't practiced much - cover your eyes with your paw.
She was so cute because, after each one, she'd sneak a peek at me for more encouragement. I cheered her on and gave her treats as rewards. (I didn't have a clicker with me - I use a clicker to initially teach tricks and then I stop using it for that trick.)
She finished one and gazed at me with her paws crossed very cutely. It made me think that teaching her to cross her paws on cue might be fun.
Then, it was time to get moving so we rode a short distance to another spot of sunrise light that I like at this time of year. I know that the sun angle is changing so fast that we have only a few days to enjoy the fun combination of glowing sunlight and shadows that this spot has.
Indeed, a spot that's well-lit at sunrise one morning is in a dark shadow at sunrise just a few days later. Moreover, the sun is getting strong enough that the snow that falls on meadows doesn't stay for long. It's the time of year that teases us with the thought that spring is almost here.

In reality, our biggest snowstorms are ahead of us. In 2001, we got about 6' of snow in one storm in late March. That was an incredible storm. When it was over, we couldn't even figure out where our vehicles were under the snow. We used ski poles to probe for them. It was too much snow for plows so a front-end loader cleared our driveway.

That was unusual. Most years, we get a series of 1-2' snow storms between March and May. Those storms play a critical role in keeping the forest healthy, preventing wild fires, and providing drinking water. But, they wear down our spirits when it feels like it's time for spring!
Back to today's ride - we never saw any moose today. I saw the tracks of the elk herd which was in the area, and I saw the tracks of the mother-calf moose pair. But, all the actual moose stayed hidden.

My eyes were peeled and my mind was on high alert for this sight but I never saw it.
Each time I look at my photos I think that moose are beautiful and goofy looking at the same time!


  1. Crikey ..... you went BACK!!!! You ARE brave!!!!!!!! Beautiful photos again .... That 3rd one is priceless. How beautiful!!!! Those Moose blokes are goofy lookin, aye?????

  2. That's good you had a more peaceful ride today!! You should totally teach Shyla cross paws!! :D

  3. 6 FEET!!?? Holy cow, that's too much. And I agree, moose are pretty goofy looking, but so beautiful too.

  4. They are. :-) Shyla is so dang cute!

  5. They are. :-) Shyla is so dang cute!

  6. Shyla you just made my day with your poses!! You are such a sweety.

    Anne and Sasha

  7. Love that trick! Yes the house training is coming along, Mabel is a smart girl!
    Mr Bailey, Hazel & Mabel

  8. A safer trip out today, Shyla, you are a gem with million dollar carat shining, lovely poses.

  9. This time of year DOES have the most amazing and ephemeral light, especially at the day's beginnings and ends.

  10. Shyla looks adorable peaking out from under her paws!!
    Dory, Arty, Jakey & Bilbo

  11. More gorgeous shots off your Shyla girl! I'd give anything if I could get Macy to pose in the afternoon light

  12. I agree with you about how moose look. They look goofy enough to seem friendly. Just goes to show how little I knew!

    As usual, great pictures of Shyla.

  13. Moose are goofy-looking. Glad they've moved on.

  14. Hari OM
    Was having similar thoughts about the light yesterday... I sure do love how you capture it!!! YAM xx

  15. You are so pretty and so smart, Shyla, and the background on your photos shows you off to perfection!
    We think a moose looks goofy too!

  16. I was thinking about your moose story all day yesterday. So amazing and frightening at the same time!

    P.S.: Your cover shot makes me smile every time I visit.

  17. You are brave but I guess it comes as part of living in the area with all the wildlife and understanding their thoughts and actions. How would Shyla handle the situation you were in?

    Her peek-a-boo trick is so cute...


  18. I never saw a moose "in the furs" and I love this guys. They have something what says"relax, dude" :o)

  19. They are rather goofy looking gosh I hope the Frankenvet does not read your blog and make me look like that! Mom says she wishes we lived near the peaceful mountains right about now....Angus Mac (stella little brother)

  20. They are beautiful as are all of nature's creatures but those fleshy lips and nose are a bit silly!

  21. I think I would have been too worried to head back out!

    Monty and Harlow

  22. I'm glad you have moose there even tho you had a scare. They do look goofy though!


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