Wildlife footage: 2016-2018 (in progress)

Monday, February 16, 2015

Old Man Winter Returns

Old Man Winter has returned.
After weeks of mostly warmth and sunshine, we've had more than a foot of snow fall in the past 24 hours.
It was even hard to churn the wheels of my new fat bike through this fresh snow. It was just too deep.
Shyla wasn't slowed. She managed to bound through the snow like a hopping kangaroo.
She got ahead of me time and time again, and would come galloping back to check on her slow poke human.
Her body hasn't been 100% well with a stomach issue bothering her. However, when she got out into the snow, she seemed perfectly healthy.
We made it through the day without needing to go to the vet. That was good news because the road between here and the vet was closed for much of the day.
As we finished our "ride", I watched the birds near our feeders for a little while. A red-breasted nuthatch pair were voraciously working on the suet. One would eat while the other waited patiently on a nearby branch sheltered from the snow.
It's amazing that these tiny animals can survive these storms.

At this point in winter, one of the things that I crave most is vibrant colors. As soon as we arrived home from the almost monochrome world of a snowstorm, I took some photos of the mini-daffodils that are blooming in our kitchen. Ah, such sweet color!


  1. such a cute girl romping in the snow! hope her stomach settles.

  2. Oh my goodness what an adorable little RBNU!!! (That's nerd-speak for red breasted nuthatch)! Send him over here where it is toasty warm and all of the insects are out :) I hope Shyla has turned the corner and stays feeling well! I guess you finally figured out the limitations of your new swan...how much snow is too much? Stay warm!

  3. Oh wow! Look at all that snow! Shyla looks so cute with it all over her face! I hope she feels better soon! <3

  4. The OP Pack was pretty happy with the paltry 3-4 inches we got overnight. Hard to imagine what they would do in your world:) Meanwhile I would love to be seeing those daffodils in my yard.

  5. Cold....but beautiful. Glad you could get out and enjoy it....and not have to go to the Vets.

  6. Daffys are my favorite flowers. Somehow I had a feeling you would see more of the white stuff. I hope Shyla feels better.

    Anne and Sasha

  7. We can sure tell that you love the snow, Shyla! The daffies are so cheerful ☺

  8. Hari OM
    ...yikes... but at least SOMEONE had fun... sigh... I too look forward to the spring colours! YAM xx

  9. You make the snow look like so much fun. If only it was a little warmer here, then we might get to enjoy it!

  10. Y'all sure are having fun in the snow. We didn't get much snow but we did get lots of ice, yuck.

  11. I hope her stomach settles. Sam had a sensitive stomach his whole life and it was always a little worrisome.

    Monty and Harlow

  12. Shyla's sensitive tummy reminds me of my dog, Copper's. It was always acting up at one time or another - just when I'd think it was gone, the gooshiness would return.

    I still can't believe the crazy weather everyone is having. We are hot over here, in the south and east they are blanketed in snow. It would be nice if we ALL had a mild winter with temps in the 60s, eh?

  13. That's a lot of snow. You said before you knew it would happen though. Love your daffodils.

  14. wow a foot of snow..mom would lose us in that much snow...it is so fun to watch your shayla enjoying herself so much....mom says she really needs some beautiful color in her world right now...thank you for providing it.
    stella rose

  15. We got cold again (15 this morining) but still no snow for us. Hope Shyla is feeling better today
    Mr Bailey, Hazel & Mabel

  16. Nothing like a good romp to cure a tummy ache. Hope she's fine.

  17. Your post brought back a fun memory. I pretty much grew up on horseback. I grew up in Southern NJ and although that doesn't sound rural, it truly is (esp. way back then ;-) ). The girls had horses, the boys had dirt bikes (motorcycles). We would all end up at the gravel pits that were nearby. Nothing was more delightful than racing one of those silly boys up the side of the pit, only to watch the bike stall out and never make the top because it was too steep. My horse would fly to the top and not even be out of breath! Shyla versus your bicycle is sort of the same contest. Four leg drive is much more all-terrain, wouldn't you say :-) The athleticism of animals is truly amazing!

  18. Some buddy is having a blast! Does that snow make you run faster and jump higher?
    Lily & Edward

  19. My legs are tired just looking at your bike in tall that snow! I'm glad Shyla was feeling better and I love that nuthatch picture. My mom became an avid birdwatcher after she retired.

  20. Crikey ...... look at all that snow. Such beautiful photos. That little bird is beautiful too. It sure looks cold at your corner of the world, aye??

  21. Snow must be a Shyla cure-all!! Glad she is feeling better!

  22. Hope the tummy issue settles down. Glad you are enjoying your snow - we are too!

  23. Isn't it GREAT?!?!? ...why is my mom looking at me like that?
    Yours sincerely,

  24. Here we are!!! Beautiful , beautiful snow photos,, !!
    Your world is pure magic!

  25. Ah beautiful snowfall photos of Shayla! You rode your bike... oh my I am really feeling very very lazy!!


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