Wildlife footage: 2016-2018 (in progress)

Friday, February 13, 2015

See Beautiful

The past month has been surprising, much more like spring than winter. Thus, we haven't had much snow beauty but we've had lots of fun playing in the forest.

Although they scare me, the arrival of moose at our elevation has been a huge change to our world. They are beautiful, yet goofy. And, as I learned last week, they are also unpredictable and may charge at any moment if they feel that you're a threat to their calves.

While avoiding moose, this girl and I have played lots and lots in the forest, and she makes me smile, especially when she looks so happy!
This is one of her many cute looks that also makes me smile. She had just noticed her shadow and was turning back toward me after examining it.
Today, during our forest outing, we visited a spot that was K's favorite. It's the place where K's Banner photo was taken (upper right sidebar). When K had cancer, I placed two stones in a crevice of the boulders, symbolizing K and a friend's dog who was also nearing the end of her life. I placed those stones three years ago. They are still sitting in the same spot, now a tender memorial to both dogs. You can see them just below Shyla's nose.
And, perhaps the most beautiful sight of the month. It has been a month of many beautiful moments.


  1. Thank you for sharing those beautiful moments!!

    Anne and Sasha

  2. Such special companions you have there. Bet those 2 stones made your heart hurt a bit
    Lily & Edward

  3. Truly beautiful moments - makes my heart swell!

  4. Just lovely. You are very good at savoring the sweet moments!

  5. If we want to see beautiful, we just come to your blog!

  6. Great shots! Shyla looked like she was hamming it up!

    Your Pals,

    Murphy & Stanley

  7. I see beautiful!

    PS - I was just thinking about you. I'm not feeling well and I went in to lie down for a few minutes. Otto came in, jumped up on the bed and then laid across my stomach - all 120# of him!! I laughed and laughed. I thought of how gentle your dogs are (or how gentle I imagine them to be) and Otto made me laugh even more!

  8. This comment has been removed by the author.

  9. Great photos, thanks for sharing.

    Aroo to you,

  10. Ahhh, that last photo really made us smile!!!

  11. Those Two conked out together....awesome!

  12. KB you are the duo just ooze beautiful. And that last photo is just so so heart warming.

  13. OMD, Shyla, you are just the cutest pups EVER!! Not only does your header make Ma laugh everytime I tell her to click on your bloggie, butts your cuteness just might rival mine! BOL
    (okay, so I've had a couple 87 margaritas already...☺)
    And that last photo...ADORABLE!!! OMD, you two are precious!
    Ruby ♥

  14. Thank you for sharing all the beauty that you see!
    Mr Bailey, Hazel & Mabel

  15. Aw, beautiful photos for sure. We love, love, love the last one. Hope your weekend is wonderful.
    No worries, and love, Stella and Rory

  16. Oh KB,, Thank you, thank you.,, for sharing See Beautiful with us!
    Every photo,, every moment,,
    and the last photo showing love!

  17. Shyla is such a cutie. I like the moose too, from a safe distance!

  18. I'm not sure why but I've always loved moose! Other people think they are ugly but I think they are gorgeous!

    Shyla is so cute! I also love the picture of her and R.

  19. Wow. Can't believe they really sleep like that! That's wonderful.

  20. The last photo is just melting our hearts. Happy Valentine's Day ♥

  21. Hi Y'all!

    Shyla is always so beautiful and expressive.

    Happy Valentine's Day!
    Hawk aka BrownDog

  22. It's great to enjoy so much beautiful things together with you. I like mooses, wish I could see one once..
    easy rider

  23. Your dogs make my heart melt and put a huge smile on my face, especially the last one. I wish we could have dogs - but it;s not possible because of health reasons in the family. It always makes me a bit sad - but thankfully there are my friends' dogs!
    I love the rocks you put up in K's memory and the other dog's. She will always have a very special place in your heart.
    The photo of the moose is wonderful!!!

  24. All of your photos are amazing -- but we agree with our mom -- that last one is the BEST!!! So totally beautiful!

  25. Such beauty all around you. We have to say that the last picture is priceless.

  26. I can't remember if I told you... But your blog reminded me I needed to have the. FOREVER chat with Macy... She's been more affectionate since!


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