Wildlife footage: 2016-2018 (in progress)

Sunday, February 22, 2015

Snowy Sunday

The snow storm has not disappointed us. Shyla had already fallen into a drift within 100 yards of our house, and her face was covered in snow.
It's hard to guess how much has fallen so far due to how much snow was already on the ground. However, I can say with certainty that this is the most snow we've had on the ground so far this winter.
Shyla was like the energizer bunny this morning, dashing back and forth as I plodded along on my snowshoes.
For the first time this winter, snow biking on the trails was not possible, even after I had snowshoed the same trail twice.
At times, the piles of snow seemed almost as tall as Shyla when she was nosing around off-trail.
She and I had tons of fun this morning. Absolutely no one else was out and about - neither dogs nor humans. Some snow was still falling, and the forest was absolutely quiet...
 ... except when we passed under a flock of Crossbills. They were chirping their hearts out. Their color was a welcome change from the monochrome snowstorm. They tend to appear for brief periods every winter.
It's supposed to keep snowing tonight. Then we get a short break before another powerful storm arrives. I am feeling good about our snow and water situation now. Perhaps this snowy February will keep the wildfires at bay this summer.

After I snowshoed with Shyla, I went for a short snowbike ride on a plowed dirt road to stop the back spasms that always follow a snowshoe trek. It was very cold (~2°F) and windy. Of course, an intense snow squall decided to travel along with me. Brrr.


  1. she's a snow maniac! sort of like her 'mom'. :)

  2. Hailey gets snow crazy too when it is falling! Glad you were able to venture out!

  3. Shyla looks crazy happy with the romp in the snow. I think -2 is just a little bit to cold to be running around.But I bet it was sure fun for both of you.
    xo Cinnamon

  4. We can't help but smile and even chuckle a little at that sweet snow face:)

  5. Shyla was throwing enough snow to be a snow blower BOL! We have high winds today, downdrafts from the mountains - Brrrrr!

    Your Pals,

    Murphy & Stanley

  6. Love those snowy photos. It is beautiful.......

    It would be fantastic if the water keeps away the fires.

  7. that looks like a lot of snow!!! We got a little yesterday, but it is mostly gone. It stayed cold though
    Mr Bailey, Hazel & Mabel

  8. What a crazy girl! I love seeing her enjoying the snow and that 5th picture is priceless. I'm afraid I would get lost in that snow :0)

  9. Shyla is so cute with all that snow on her face!! LOL!! I'm sorry you couldn't go for your bike ride, though!

  10. Great photos - love the pics of Shyla snow face...

  11. Were happy you have all that snow that you need and love! What beautiful birds,, and yes,, they seem soo happy!
    Shyla looks like a happy
    Steam Engine!
    We hope your back is better!

  12. Glad Shyla loves romping in the deep snow. Great photographs. Hope you will soon have a bike path.

  13. Love love that snowy Shyla!!

  14. Crikey ..... those photos are really beautiful!! How wonderful to have all that to yourselves. We go to the beach really early in the morning. Summer and winter. Mum loves the winters best as we get to have the whole beach all to ourselves. Such special times. It is much easier for us though. Even our winters aren't cold.

  15. Crikey ...... I fogot ...... that bird photo ....... OMD .... so beautiful!!

  16. You had as much fun in your snow as we had in ours, Shyla! Beautiful photos!

  17. I love photo #4. What an expression!

  18. Shyla sure knows how to have fun in the snow and she sure made us smile!

  19. That is a ton of snow. That look on Shylas face is just too funny.

  20. Wow! Shyla sure seems to love that deep snow!

  21. I love dogs in snow shots. I'm just very thankful the snow is there and not here. Great for active dogs like Shyla; not so great for my Very Old Dogs.

  22. Can we come visit? :) I am envious of your snow... Our mountains are so sadly barren. The dogs have had the most disappointing winter without any snowy fun.

  23. Hi there, That is a lot of snow-much more than we got and I thought we got a lot. I think we got a total of about 10". It made a perfect weekend to lay low and take naps. I'm keeping my fingers crossed about the new dr. in F.C. you saw; I'd love to hear you are free of those migraines.
    Hunter enjoys the snow and will often roll around in it and bury his head; this weekend was the first time he didn't want to venture out. Guess we are supposed to get more W,Th.,S&S. O.k. so I love the sunshine today.
    Hugs, Noreen

  24. Whoa - lots of snow everywhere! Great pictures of Shyla's snow covered face! Love that she gets such pleasure out of it!

  25. Oh Shyla is having some WILD FUN in the snow! Those are some great photos!

  26. How priceless! I'm glad you're getting more snow than we are. We could use the precipitation.

    It's only in the teens here, not nearly as cold as where you are. But cold enough for us!

  27. BOL oh Shyla where is your scarf
    Lily & Edward

  28. It is wonderful to see a pup enjoying the snow so much. We hate it but it is wonderful that you like it

  29. OMD, those snow-face pics are too cute. And what a lovely shot of the crossbills. Gorgeous. (Hope the ride helped thwart the back spasms!)


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