Wildlife footage: 2016-2018 (in progress)

Sunday, March 1, 2015

Black and White Sunday - Shyla's Determination

When I met Shyla, she didn't have much drive or interest in retrieving. Indeed, she was apathetic about most things at the beginning. Now, this is her reaction when a retrieving toy is thrown for her.
She'll power through deep snow to retrieve as fast as possible. And, I took this photo today when I thought that she seemed a little tired and subdued!
When she's retrieving, her eyes show a quiet determination and happiness.
I feel so lucky that I have Shyla in my life and that she's blossomed into such an amazing dog!



  1. cool colorization in the last shot. :)

  2. She must be exhausted after that snow jumping. She is beautiful!

  3. Shyla, you are rockin' your blog title girl!!!

  4. No retrievers here - they just look at me as if to say why did you throw it away if you want it back again:)

    Love that last shot - we almost thought it was R until we realized what you had done.

    2.5 measly inches of snow that is rapidly becoming mud:(

  5. Wow, wonderful photos. Shyla seems to have boundless energy!

  6. Shyla!! You has amber eyes, just like me!!


  7. I learned with my very first dog, who only liked and responded to me even though I was just a kid, that the right human/canine team can accomplish anything!

  8. That black and white shot of Shyla is stunning!!!

  9. I tried many times to get Piper excited about retrieving, but she makes it very clear that this is something she does as a Personal Favor to me, and only a couple of times per favor. When I accidentally discovered that all the mysteriously misplaced toys - quite a collection, from several years - had been hidden way back under the screen porch, where I couldn't see them until I had to crawl under to rescue a chicken - well, Piper finally got her point across and I gave up on ever convincing her that Retrieving Can Be Fun. I wish Shyla would send Piper a postcard or something! ;)

  10. She is a blessing indeed. Of course she has had the love, and care to help her along the way. Funny how love can do that.

  11. I love the highlight of Shyla's golden eyes.

  12. I love Shyla's eyes! They are so pretty and expressive! The girls weren't very much into retrieving when I first got them, either! I've had to do a lot of training to get it and if we are out at the park they don't want to play with toys. I'm hoping to change that eventually.

  13. Shyla is awesome! Love seeing do what she was born to do and with such enthusiasm!

  14. Andy and I could use some of that energy! And good looks. :)

  15. We are thrilled that you have Shyla in your life too, KB. She's a beautiful girl♥

  16. Some buddy is happy
    Lily & Edward

  17. Shyla looks very wolfie and almost eerie in the shot with just her eyes in color.

  18. Awww...she just needed you to build her confidence and teach her it was okay to have fun! :)

  19. L love that last shot of Shyla--it says it all!!

  20. Shyla is the happiest dog we have ever seen!! Wow!


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