Wildlife footage: 2016-2018 (in progress)

Saturday, March 28, 2015


Perspective. I've gained some over the years. Sometimes, I focus too much on my dogs doing a trick perfectly...
...rather than looking in their eyes and seeing how earnestly they are trying.
Looking in their eyes and seeing their spirits is what makes a bond that lasts. I've truly fallen for this sweet girl.


  1. Focus in perfection, look at that concentration and trust, Shyla, your spirit is there shining through.

  2. She is such a good girl but I get what you're saying. I've done that, too!

  3. We love you too sweet Shyla.
    Looking into your big eyes we know the
    biscuit will land right in your mouth.
    Hope it was yummy.
    xo Cinnamon

  4. This is such a good way to showcase that!

  5. That sweet girl would do just about anything for you:)

  6. You are so right -- I also get wrapped up in the "perfection" that I forget to see and live in the moment.

  7. I think Shyla would try to do anything you ask of her. She would try her hardest.

  8. You are the best girl, Shyla, and we just adore you♥

  9. I can see so much love in your eyes... that's beautiful... and that you can do the cookie balance trick is pawesome... I can't do that, my nose is not strong enough it always falls into my mouth :o)
    easy rider

  10. She is so focused on you. So awesome.

  11. How could you not fall for those eyes?!?

  12. I can't let mom see these photos cuz it's giving her ideas!

    Your Pals,

    Murphy & Stanley

  13. They say that the eyes are the window to your soul......if that's true, Shyla is a beautiful soul. Love the trust she has in her eyes, wanting to please you. So powerful.


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