Wildlife footage: 2016-2018 (in progress)

Sunday, March 15, 2015

See Beautiful

It has been a gorgeous few days. I forgot to participate in the See Beautiful blog hop the other day but I wanted to share a couple of glorious things I've seen in the past few days.

I saw a subtle but beautiful sunset the other night. It looked very wintery but also vibrant.
Then, a gaggle of Mountain Bluebirds arrived in our meadows yesterday.
Mountain Bluebirds are the quintessential sign of spring up here in the mountains. I rejoice when I see them!
Happy Beautiful Sunday!


  1. Such beautiful photos! We have the Eastern Bluebird here, not the Western. I'd love to see one!

  2. Gorgeous photos, KB. The little bluebirds are so cute ☺

  3. Love those bluebirds - haven't seen one around this area - so pretty!

  4. WOW! That sky is most beautiful fur sure!

  5. Happy beautiful Sunday to you too.

    Aroo to you,

  6. Thanks for sharing your beautiful pictures.

  7. Love the bluebirds!
    Mr Bailey, Hazel & Mabel

  8. OMD, those are SO beautiful!!! We get lots of burdies around here, butts not really many bluebirds. We have bluejays, butts they are mean bullies! BOL
    I hopes you guys have a most Beautiful Sunday...
    Ruby ♥

  9. Such beautiful bluebirds!! I just love your Rocky Mountain Sunsets!!

  10. Both of those are wonderful pictures! I rejoice when I start hearing birds too!! I cannot wait to see flowers and birds and PALM Trees!! SO looking forwad to it...Happy Monday KB!

  11. Oh, hopefully the bluebird is right and Spring is on its way.

  12. Love this little Bluebird ..such personality in its face in that first picture.

    Yesterday, I saw a heron fly by as I was heading to the grocery store. He was flying over the river and I assume looking for fish. I didn't have a camera unfortunately.

  13. efurry day is great to see beautiful things and this birds are absolutely beautiful :o)
    easy rider

  14. Horray for the bluebirds! Spring is around the corner for you.

  15. A beautiful sight fur sure! Mom opened the windows today!

    Your Pals,

    Murphy & Stanley

  16. Oh wow!! That is a gorgeous sunset! I think that little bird is neat, too! I sure hope Spring is on the way for you! <3

  17. After listening to the bird chatter in the forest this morning, I had a feeling that the bluebirds were near. It's so early for them! I don't usually see them until late April or early May. Now that they are here! Spring is sure to come!
    Nice to see you today! Another harbinger of Spring!

  18. Gosh! Even the birds are awesome where you are!


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