Wildlife footage: 2016-2018 (in progress)

Tuesday, March 24, 2015

Spring Mornings

Sunrise is accelerating earlier and earlier, making it harder for Shyla and me to see it.
I can't complain - that means that spring is here. The Robins have returned, much to my delight!
And they sing in their beautiful voices when Shyla and I are out early in the morning.
I love the sound of birds singing on a springtime morning!


  1. I love that robin! They were down here in FL a few weeks ago. My front yard was covered in them.

  2. Our morning walks are now about an hour and a half LATER! We change back to standard time in April which we hope will help.

    Early morning is the best time of the day.

  3. I love robins! The park I go to is full of them and their voices are really nice. :D I hope you get some true Spring weather soon!

  4. Even a night owl like me loves to hear the spring birds singing in the mornings. Love the robin. And Shyla of course.

  5. With the warmer temps this week we have had our bedroom windows open at night - the sound of the birds in the early morning is so sweet - and are those robins ever looking rather plump:)

  6. Spring is such a wonderful time of year.

  7. I especially love that last pose of beautiful Shyla. Happy spring!

  8. I love the bird songs too,
    That looked like a mommy robin to me.

  9. Mum loves the early morning bird calls too. Even the cockies and, believe me, what they do is not what you would call sing.

  10. We are also blessed with much birdsong here, and there is nothing better than walking out into it in the mornings!

  11. We love to hear the birds sing too. It's such a happy sound!

  12. I love when the birds return, too. No robins yet in our neighborhood, but I'm sure they will be here soon.

  13. It's starting to get noisy here too - ours is crows chasing away the other birds from their nests though...and they are noisy!

  14. I HEARD a robing the other day.....but it was also snowing. And we still have a lot of snow sticking around. But, it was in the high thirties today, and rained instead of bringing more of the fluffy white stuff, so that's all right.

    Love Shyla in the golden morning sun!

  15. I do too and watching my daffy's come up. I love Spring

    Anne and Sasha

  16. Robins already! I do believe it's spring there.


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