Wildlife footage: 2016-2018 (in progress)

Saturday, March 21, 2015

Spring - Rocky Mountain Style

On the first day of spring, Shyla and I started with playing in the snow. I asked her to "bring" the toys, and she was temporarily confused about how to "bring" two toys. She decided to make two trips. Smart dog!
Then we visited a trail camera that has been "snowed in" for 6 weeks. I found two fun photos on it. Look in between the trees at the flying deer. What an athlete.
And then, a couple of days later, a coyote passed the camera. He sure looks young and cute to me.
Although it doesn't look much like spring outside yet, we have daffodils in our kitchen to put us in the spring state of mind.
Happy Spring to all my northern hemisphere friends!


  1. Spring, with all that snow, no wonder the deer are prancing. Down here, two frosts this week, so Autumn is truly announced its arrival. Enjoy those golden daffodils.

  2. That's so awesome you made it to the one trail camera! Those photos are so cool!

  3. great trail cam photos! love shyla. :)

  4. It is definitely spring here! The flying deer is cool!

    Your Pals,

    Murphy & Stanley

  5. The deer looks just like one of Santa's reindeer mounting to the sky. Clever Shyla.

  6. Great photos as usual. Loved the flying deer.

  7. great photos, but Shyla always makes us smile!

  8. Love the deer! Phod once had to decide what to do when he had 3 balls to get. He got 2 at once and then did a second trip. I love when they are great problem solvers!

  9. Daffodils are a perfect reminder of the spring to come!

  10. We've gone back to single digits with added bitter winds in the past few days, so I took the strong measure of seeking color today, at a Spring Bulb Show, Such a relief to the eye. And nose. I'll be posting pictures soon :)
    Tonight the temp is rising dramatically, so more snow will be melting. Up and down, on it goes...but very clearly Spring IS coming!

  11. You knew you couldn't get both rings in your mouth at once. You are too smart, Shyla!

  12. Hari OM
    Ahhhh yes, nothing like those golden cups
    to put wintry spirits on the ups!!!
    YAM xx

  13. I agree, Wile E. Cocyote looks cute, but I better watch him through your blog :o) Happy Spring to all peeps&pets.
    easy rider

  14. The flowers must be very confused BOL
    Lily & Edward

  15. That coyote is ADORABLE (which seems like a funny thing to say, ah well)

    We're having your style of springtime, apparently. It's snowed, though only a little bit, three days in a row now.

  16. Oh how we love your posts. we are getting so excited for our camping season to get here. YOur posts just make us more and more anxious.

  17. This comment has been removed by the author.

  18. Love the flying deer. Bet that gave you a big smile when you found that.

  19. Wow KB,, your photos are amazing!
    Happy Spring!


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