Wildlife footage: 2016-2018 (in progress)

Thursday, April 2, 2015

Spring at Home

Before telling you more about our desert trip, I wanted to share the fabulous spring conditions that we found when we came home. The first few days were gloriously sunny and warm.
The Pasqueflowers (wild crocuses) were blooming everywhere.
And the elk herd was nearby. All were in a phase of furious shedding for the "heat" of springtime.
As often happens, the elk herd pulled in the mountain lions. I believe that this is a female who has been in our area a lot.
She investigated the area near the elk herd carefully.
And then a male mountain lion showed up in almost the same spot less than 24 hours later.
So much snow had melted that I visited trail cameras that I hadn't seen in months. I discovered that a collared mountain lion had been around in February too - perhaps the same female as visited this week.
She sniffed in front of a camera.
And then turned to depart. What a strong creature!
Look at the thickness of her legs.
Now, after the warm and sunny sojourn, a spring snowstorm is hitting. I don't think it'll bring too much snow (less than a foot) but I feel ready to go back into hibernation. I'm tired from our desert fun and then our enjoyment of the brief spring weather here!
 Shyla's yawn sums up my energy level!


  1. Love that yawn! Yes, spring has sprung even though it cooled down a bit here!

    Your Pals,

    Murphy & Stanley

  2. Glad you had a warm greeting and that the snow disappears soon.

  3. winter coats on the lions, spring flowers, and time for some rest, the yawn says it all.

  4. We finally see some daffodils popping out of the ground. Of course they are calling for snow here on Easter Sunday.

  5. Oh wow! I love those Spring photos of Shyla! The background colors are so pretty.

    Those photos from your wildlife cam are so neat!

    I'm sorry it's snowing again! I hope you get some rest, though!

  6. What a difference in conditions. Sun and snow. Glad you could get to the cameras and see what was happening in your absence.

  7. Beautiful,,,beautiful photos of the big kitty, Shyla and your spring!

  8. Not much of winter here. Were will pay for it later I am sure. Love the big kitty. Looking forward to more desert stuff.

  9. We're well into spring here, with everything in full bloom. Your trail cam photos are so fascinating - such beautiful cats. But your last photo of Shyla is just stunning - and reminds me it's time for bed.

  10. Your spring flowers are always so beautiful and make us smile. Love your yawn, Shyla!

  11. signs of spring are wonderful :o)
    many thanks for sharing the photos of mountain lions with me, I never saw them so close...
    easy rider

  12. It's always nice to welcome in Spring! Those mountain lions are such regal creatures! I wonder why the one is collared? Does the park service or someone track their movements throughout the year?

  13. Hi KB, Trusting you had a wonderful time, as always, in the desert. We are loving the warm weather, but when yesterday's snow hit we just stayed inside where it was warm. I'm ready for the sunshine to stay.
    Love seeing the mountain lions. Sending hugs your way and Easter wishes.

  14. Hi KB, Trusting you had a wonderful time, as always, in the desert. We are loving the warm weather, but when yesterday's snow hit we just stayed inside where it was warm. I'm ready for the sunshine to stay.
    Love seeing the mountain lions. Sending hugs your way and Easter wishes.

  15. The lion looks so healthy. And the elk, how funny and straggly are they.

  16. It amazes me how the mountain lions are so statuesque....yet, still "kittenish" in a way :-).

    Happy Spring!

  17. OMD, those blooms are so beautifuls!!
    Ma said those Elk kinda look like me! BOL! What? That wasn't nice...
    Anyhu, that Mountain lion is just magnificent!! Their paws are just huge!!!
    Shyla, always a beauty my furiend!
    Ruby ♥

  18. Such beautiful sights and Shyla, you are the prettiest!

  19. Thank goodness spring is almost here! We had our nicest day yet today.

    I always think of labs as being bigger than Zaphod, so I will keep in mind that Shyla is a little one. (My parents have two labs whose ideal weights would be 80-85 lbs)

  20. Like that yawn! I would rather watch those trail cameras than TV
    Lily & Edward


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