Wildlife footage: 2016-2018 (in progress)

Thursday, April 30, 2015

Spring Might be Here

Sunshine! It makes me happy! Both Shyla and I love soaking up the morning rays.
After weeks of not being able to ride to Hug Hill, it's possible again. There's still some slippery and melting snow on part of the climb but I gladly walked my bike through that stuff to make it to this special vista.
As I looked around on Hug Hill, I saw new signs of spring. I spotted some beautiful asters that like to grow in rocky areas.
And, I saw some Spring Beauties, tiny gems, in a sunny part of a meadow.
I felt so happy to see signs that spring and even summer will be here someday soon!

Then, I visited a trail camera that sees just a few flurries of activity each year. It's a trail camera site that tests my patience, as I find memory cards full of squirrel photos most of the time. This time, I hit the JACKPOT!

First, I discovered that it was a place where the mountain lion, who killed a deer behind our house on the night of 4/24, visited in between bouts of feeding on the carcass. Here she was, lying in the sunshine. She appeared to be posing for my trail camera. She's such a beauty. I wish she didn't have ear tags and a collar on her.
After a brief rest, she sat up and seemed to listen and sniff in the direction of a human trail. It's likely that someone was on it at that time of day.
Then, she departed toward our house. However, it took her more than 2 hours to get there (3/4 of a mile away). I'm guessing that she did a little unsuccessful hunting before returning to the meager meat left on the kill near our house.
There were more surprises from the trail camera where this lion had laid in the sun. A couple of weeks earlier, an entire family of mountain lions visited that big old Ponderosa Pine tree. I can't wait to tell you more about it. It's rare to get so much trail camera good luck in such a short period of time!


  1. That first one looks like she is posing for the camera! I can't believe how fast spring has arrived for you!

  2. Spring Beauties!!! Of course, I'm excited about the mt lion, too.

  3. It sure sounds like it was a wonderful day:) Love seeing those mountain flowers.

  4. she really is a beauty. not as pretty as shyla, though. :)

  5. What an amazing picture of that beautiful cat. I can't wait to see more.

  6. Hari OM
    Shyla the flyla - amazing movement shot that... and as for the big puddytat... awwww that is also a beaut! YAM xx

  7. That's a BIG kitty.

    Aroo to you,

  8. SO gorgeous! What luck to capture those pics!

  9. A truly gorgeous girl, I guess the collar and ear tag help scientists and others to monitor the lion population, and see where their territories are. So glad you are in spring alpine flower time.

  10. That lion is spectacular, but not nearly as spectacular as Shyla levitating in that second photo!!

  11. KB,, were so happy that you have a trail cam!!! You share so much with us,, that we would never get to see,, if it wasn't for you!
    The mountain lion- oh gosh,,
    how beautiful!
    And the flower... just majestic!

  12. We are so happy that spring has arrived. Please steer clear of the mountain lions. Those things seem kind of cranky

  13. We're impressed with just one lion....much less an entire family. Exciting.

  14. OMD!!!! Soooo beautifuls!!! Man, I could look at those Mountain Lions forevers!!! And those blooms!!! FABulous!!! Looks like all that snow really is helping the wild flowers bloom!!
    Ruby ♥

  15. What a wonderful portrait of the lion....without even being there!!!

  16. Crikey how good is that?? I wish she didn't have that collar and ear tag too but I sure am happy you shared these pics with us. That action shot of you, Shyla, is pretty spectacular too, aye??

  17. We are just loving the wildflowers! Happy May Day!

  18. Oh my gosh, these photos are spectacular! You can see so much expression in the lion's face and eyes. They are so clear and it's like you are standing right in front of her looking into those beautiful eyes. WOW!

  19. Isn't she a beauty. But ya, sad she has all that extra hardware hanging from her.

  20. Howdy beautiful Shyla! That lion is such a looker!

  21. Love that second pic of Shyla!
    Mr Bailey, Hazel & mabel

  22. You hit the jackpot alright. That kitty is huge! Is that rock nice and warm Shyla?
    Lily & Edward

  23. Looking forward to hearing about the family of lions! Your snow melted quickly!

    Your Pals,

    Murphy & Stanley

  24. Gosh, I can't believe you are finding such gorgeous flowers at altitude already. And those mountain lion shots... WOW!


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