Wildlife footage: 2016-2018 (in progress)

Sunday, May 17, 2015

Black Dog Sunday

One day recently, I had R with me, on his own, for a mountain bike ride. I know that I've said this before, but it's wonderful to spend one-on-one time with him!
Often, when I have the Labraduo with me, the two them focus on playing with each other rather than with me. That's why it's great to spend solo time with R. His behavior is always impeccable during our solo rides, and I get such joy out of seeing him run!
While were out, I found a new flower blooming - mountain bluebells. They are tiny and very low to the ground but the flash of blue caught my eye!
I think that we may have springtime before we know it!


  1. Beautiful bluebells AND Handsome R - that must have been a great day out together!

  2. Love that smile, R, and the beautiful bluebells!

  3. R looks like a gorgeous athlete! I'll bet he enjoys these special one-on-one times, too, despite all the adventures he shares with his other friends. Such a pretty flower! I'm finding more little flowers in the woods every day now, and the annual battle is already on here at home with the non-native bittersweet! I'm trying to remove it from at least a little area every day in hopes it won't get away from me in a week.

  4. We had fun seeing R have so much fun!

  5. He is a very handsome guy his furs are very black and shiny. I think we might be twins. BOL

    Aroo to you,

  6. R is such a handsome dog! That's a really pretty flower! I hope Spring will come soon!

  7. Ohhh the mountain Blue Bells are gorgeous,,, and
    one on one time with R- how wonderful is that!

  8. We're sure he loves the one-to-one time with you, too.

  9. I always enjoy when R makes an appearance on the blog. He has such character and mischief in his face.

  10. R looks like he is enjoying his special time as much as you are!

  11. We've already moved on to summer here! This past weekend was a "be near water" type of weekend, or be in A/C! It always gets too hot, too soon. Looks like we get a break for the long weekend though.

  12. We've already moved on to summer here! This past weekend was a "be near water" type of weekend, or be in A/C! It always gets too hot, too soon. Looks like we get a break for the long weekend though.

  13. Joyful is the word for R today!
    Mr Bailey, Hazel & mabel

  14. He's a most handsome fella!

    Your Pals,

    Murphy & Stanley

    Remember tomorrow is the Barkers -vs- Slayers soccer game!

  15. Crikey R's a good lookin' bloke, aye?? Mum says it's great to see two Labs in such good nick.


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